



A Study of the Species Diversity in Three Main Typical Aftificial Forests of the Laobanshan Mountain

  • 摘要: 采用典型样地法,以老板山毛竹林、水杉林及香樟林3种主要人工林为研究对象,通过群落学调查,选取物种组成、重要值及物种多样性指数为计算指标,探究人工栽培树种对当地群落物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)此次调查记录共计毛竹人工林物种94种,隶属59科78属,水杉人工林82种,隶属46科67属,香樟人工林80种,隶属47科70属,毛竹人工林群落物种多样性水平较其他群落最高;(2)竹类植物、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)在各自人工林乔木层优势地位明显,灌木层中柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)等乡土树种幼苗分布于毛竹和香樟人工林下,林下出现香樟幼苗表明香樟人工林能实现自然更新,水杉人工林自然更新困难;鸭跖草(Commelina communis)、土牛膝(Achyranthes aspera)在3种人工林草本层中占据优势地位;(3)不同人工林群落总体物种丰富度都表现为灌木层 > 草本层 > 乔木层,各人工林林群落乔木层D、H、H'和Jsw值均小于其他各层;水杉、香樟人工林林下灌草层和草本层H'值较大,Jsw值相对较小,群落发展不稳定;(4)3种人工林都应进行林分改造。


    Abstract: In order to explore the effect of cultivated tree species on the local plant species diversity, an investigation was conducted by the typical sampling method in three typical plantations (Phyllostachys heterocycla artificial forest, Metasequoia glyptostroboides artificial forest and Cinnamomum camphora artificial forest) in the Laobanshan mountain, Ya'an city, Sichuan province. Based on the community survey, the species composition,importance value and species diversity indexes were calculated.The results indicated that:(1) A total of 94 species were found in P.heterocycla artificial forest, belonging to 78 genera and 59 families, a total of 82 species were found in M.glyptostroboides artificial forest,belonging to 67 genera and 46 families,and a total of 80 species were found in C.camphora artificial forest, belonging to 70 genera and 47 families.The species diversities of P.heterocycla artificial forest were higher than other forests.(2) By analyzing the important values, it was discovered that bamboo plants, M.glyptostroboides and C.camphora were evidently dominant in upper layer of the plantations; Cryptomeria fortunei and Cunninghamia lanceolata were found in the shrub layer of P.heterocycla and C.camphora artificial forest; C.camphora seedlings showed that C.camphora artificial forest achieved natural regeneration, but M.glyptostroboides artificial forest could hardly regenerate;Commelina communis and Achyranthes aspera were in the dominant position in three artificial forests herbs. (3) Different artificial forests species richness showed shrub layer > herb layer > tree layer, D, H, H' and JSW of tree layers were less than those of other layers,H' of shrub layer and herb layer was greater, and the JSW was relatively small in M.glyptostroboide and C.camphora artificial forest, and the artificial forests community development were not stable. (4) The stand improvement of three artificial forests should be conducted.


