Genetic Resources and Research Progress of Cryptomeria
摘要: 柳杉是东亚地区重要的用材林树种,包括柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)和日本柳杉(Cryptomeria japonica)两个种。本文结合国内外柳杉遗传资源及其研究现状,对其资源分布与特征,遗传变异及遗传育种研究进行述评。提出当前柳杉研究中存在的问题,就其今后研究重点进行展望。对我国柳杉资源保护和育种研究具有重要的参考价值。Abstract: Cryptomeria spp. were important timber trees in East Asia, including two species of C. fortunei and C. japonica. The status was reviewed for both species in distribution, characteristics, genetic variation and breeding, based on the current research of genetic resources. Also, the problems were put forward in the current research. It had important reference for the conservation and breeding of C. resources in China