Problems and Countermeasures of County-Level National Public Welfare Forest Compartments -A Case Study of Pingli County
摘要: 结合平利县国家级公益林区划落界工作,针对国家级公益林落界地类与国土"二调"地类不一致问题、国家级公益林"两本账"问题、国家级公益林区划落界与地方经济规划间矛盾等一些问题进行分析,探索研究符合县级区划落界的对策与办法。Abstract: Combined with national public welfare forest districts community work in Pingli county,some problems were analyzed,and countermeasures were explored for the conformity between national public welfare forest land types and forest resource inventory and planning,"two account books" of national public welfare forests,contradictions between national public welfare forest boundaries and industry and regional economic planning.