In order to find out the best way to preserve the genetic diversity of
Cupressus chengiana, transplantation experiments were carried out together with reports on germplasm resource preservation methods in Maerkang city in two aspects. The first experiment was to study effects of different transplanting time, tree age and pruning ratio on the transplanting. A total of 216 individuals were transplanted and 8 survived, with a survival rate of 3.70%. It was concluded that factors might directly affect the transplantation survival rate, such as developed main roots, less fibrous roots, poor soil and high gravel content, direct injury of transplantation implementation and incomplete similarity of transplantation environment. 2) The second experiment was to compare methods of in-situ conservation, ex-situ transplantation, seed collection and seedling raising, and storage in germplasm resource bank. It should be protected by establishing seed orchards, collecting seeds, raising seedlings, storing in storage, when in-situ conservation was not feasible.