A Study of Tree Species Evaluation and Selection for Urban Landscaping in Cangxi County
摘要: 采用层次分析法(AHP)从生态适应性、观赏价值、抗逆性、生态效益4个方面15个评价因子对苍溪县40种绿化树种构建3级指标综合评价模型,得到适应当地生态环境的紫薇属(Lagerstroemia)、木犀属(Osmanthus)、樟属(Cinnamomum)等园林绿化树种18种,为当地选择园林绿化树种提供参考依据。Abstract: The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to establish the 3th grade index comprehensive evaluation model by 15 evaluation indexes of ecological adaptability,ornamental value,resistance and ecological benefits for 40 varieties of common green plants in Cangxi County.And 18 tree species were found to adapt to the local ecological environment such as Lagerstroemia,Osmanthus and Cinnamomum, which had a certain reference for local tree species selection..