A Supplementary Description of Euprepiophis perlacea (Stejneger,1929) by Means of a New Distribution Record in Shaanxi Province
摘要: 横斑玉斑蛇(旧称"横斑锦蛇")(Euprepiophis perlacea(Stejneger,1929))是一种相对罕见的无毒蛇。但自其命名报道以来,相关的基础研究资料甚为缺乏,关于该种清晰的生态照片就更加稀少。本研究基于数年来的野外观察和标本检视,发现该种幼体和成体有很大差别,解剖标本发现其有食鼠习性。近年来的野外调查中陆续报道了该种在四川西部更多的分布纪录,并报道了该种在陕西的省的分布,系该省蛇类新纪录。基于上述信息,对我国横斑玉斑蛇的形态特征、地理分布和食性等进行补充描述,为对其进一步的研究提供参考。Abstract: Euprepiophis perlacea (Stejneger,1929) is a relatively rare non-venomous snake speices.After this species was found in 1929,very few information about it was reported,letting alone a clear description of it.Based on the field survey and specimen examination,this study showed some differences between the adults and babies of this snake speices.It was also found that their food was pinky mice by dissection.In combination with other recent reports of this snake speies in Sichuan and a new record discovered in Shannxi Province,an additional description was given of the morphological characters and geographic distribution of this species.