The Technology of Intercroping the Dictyophora by Using the Dendrocalamus latiflorus Wastes under the D. Latiflorus Forest
摘要: 为有效利用林地资源和麻竹清林废弃物,笔者通过4a的实践从竹荪基质配料、林地选择、栽培季节、管护等方面总结了麻竹林下套种竹荪技术。Abstract: In order to utilize the woodland resource and the liquidation wastes of the Dendrocalamus latiflorus forest efficiently,the technology of intercroping the Dictyophora indusiata was sumarized under the Dendrocalamus latiflorus forest through 4 years of practice from the ingredients of Dictyophora indusiata substrate, selection of forest land,planting season and management.