Effects of Different Fertilizers on the Growth of Young Elaeocarpus sylvestris Forest
摘要: 开展5种不同配方底肥对山杜英幼林生长量的影响的研究,结果表明:5种不同配方底肥对山杜英树高和地径生长量间均存在极显著差异。树高和地径表现较好的均是处理①,即100 g尿素+200 g过磷酸钙+50 g硫酸钾。树高和地径生长表现较差的处理均是处理⑤,即不施肥。Abstract: Studies were made of effects of five different formula fertilizers on the growth of young Elaeocarpus sylvestris plantations. The results showed that 5 kinds of different formula fertilizer had a very significant influence on the tree height and ground diameter growth of Elaeocarpus sylvestris. Treatment 1 showed a better tree height and ground diameter growth,namely 100 g urea + 200 g superphosphate + 50 g sulfuric acid potassium.