Research on Seed Germination Characteristics of Larix masteriana
摘要: 研究了四川红杉种子形态以及在不同温度和光照条件下的萌发特性,结果表明:四川红杉球果颜色为黄褐色,种子褐色,种子小、具翅,种子千粒重为2.03 g ±0.05 g;在最佳萌发温度20/10℃下,四川红杉种子萌发率和萌发速率达到最高,分别为28%和11.11,其萌发率和萌发速率在15/10℃,8/5℃下的均存在显著差异,说明低温条件抑制其萌发;在最佳萌发温度20/10℃下,光照条件对种子萌发没有差异。Abstract: In this paper,the research was conducted on the seed germination characteristics of L. masteriana. The results showed that the colors of cones and seeds were orange-brown and brown,the thousand kernel weight was 2.03 g ±0.05 g; the germination rate and germination index were the highest at 20/10℃,which reached 28% and 11.11,which had the significant difference at 15/10℃ and 8/5℃,indicating that the low temperature inhibited its germination. At 20/10℃,the light condition had no influence on its germination.