A Study of Vegetation Restoration Technology in Arid-hot Valleys Based on the Principle of Water Self-supporting of Vegetation Community
摘要: 本文基于植被群落具有改造环境的这一基本原理,提出了一种新的植被恢复技术:充分利用植被改造环境和适应环境的本能,在物种遴选的基础上,侧重从土壤改良和下垫面营造着手,为植被的生存营造适当的生存条件,使其能充分发挥"自营"水分的功能,从而克服干旱环境而得以成活。结果表明,本文提出的干热河谷植被恢复新技术是可行的。Abstract: In this paper,a new technology of vegetation recovery was proposed based on the principle of water-self supporting of vegetation community. The core of the technology was to make full use of the instinct of the rehabitaion and adaption of vegetation to the environment,and on the basis of species selection,soil improvement and underlying surface improvement were done to create a proper living conditions for the survival of the vegetation so that the vegetation could give full play to the function of the moisture self-supporting to overcome the drought environment and be able to survive. Ther results showed that the new-proposed vegetation restoration technology was feasible.