Effects of Different Cutting Length of Common Camptotheca on the Survival Rate
摘要: 在塑料温室大棚内以蛭石为扦插基质,选择生长健壮、无病虫害的母树1 a生枝条将其剪为6 cm、9 cm、12cm和15 cm 4个扦插长度,插穗采用100 mg·L-1质量浓度ABT生根粉浸泡1 h后扦插,并对成活率的影响进行研究与分析。结果表明:12 cm穗条生根率高于其他长度穗条,在相同条件下12 cm穗条的成活率为65%,9 cm和15cm插穗次之,分别为45%和44%,6 cm插穗的生根率为31%相对其他长度的穗条,其生根率较低。不同长度插穗间生根率差异显著。Abstract: In plastic greenhouses with vermiculite as substratum,robust annual branches were cut into 6 cm,9 cm,12 cm,15 cm respectively. Cutting work was done after cuttings had been soaked in 100 mg·L-1 of ABT rooting powder for 1 hour. Analysis was made the survival rate. The results showed that the rooting rate of 12 cm cuttings was higher than other cuttings. The survival rate of 12 cm cuttings under the same conditions was 65%,and 9 cm and 15 cm cuttings were 45% and 44% respectively. The rooting rate of 6 cm cuttings was 31% and its rooting rate was low as compared with other cuttings. Therefore it could be found that there were significant differences in the their rooting ratio among different length of cuttings.