Research on the Biomass of Four Major Tree Species in the Vegetation Restoration Pattern Area of Beichuan Nature Reserve
摘要: 以北川自然保护区植被恢复模式区巴东栎、红桦、岷江冷杉和青川箭竹为研究对象,对4种树种生物量模型、单株生物量分配规律以及各器官生长规律等进行了研究。结果表明:在各树种生物量组成中,干生物量比例最大,叶最小,枝和根生物量比例因树种不同而有所差异;在各营养器官生物量比例与其单株生物量相关关系的比较中,整体上关系明显,树干为正相关,树根为负相关;树种干生物量比例与枝和叶生物量比例存在显著的负相关关系,而枝和叶生物量之间存在显著的正相关关系。Abstract: This paper,by taking Quercus engleriana,Betula albo-sinensis,Abies faxoniana and Fargesia rufa in the vegetation restoration pattern area of Beichuan Nature Reserve as objects,studies were made of the biomass models of the four species as well as the biomass distribution law of single plant and growth rule of every organ. The result has indicated that in the compositions of all of the species,the proportions of truck biomass are the highest,those of leaves are the lowest and the biomass ratios between branches and roots vary depending on species; In the comparison of correlativity between the proportions of biomasses of all nutrition organs and biomass of single plant,and the relations are significant in general,the tree trunks are positively related while the roots are negatively related; proportions of dry biomasses of all species are significantly and negatively related to the proportions of leaf and branch biomasses while the biomass of leaves is significantly and positively related to the biomass of branches.