Comparison between Albescent and Normal Seedings of Phoebe zhennan by AFLP
摘要: 对桢楠白化苗与正常苗的AFLP谱带进行了比较分析,结果发现有两对引物(P6和P11)能在正常苗和白化苗中产生差异条带。其中引物P6在白化苗样品中扩增的条带比在正常绿苗少一条,即白化苗缺失一条带,缺失的这条带大小为230 bp左右。而引物P11在白化苗样品中扩出的条带比正常绿苗多一条,多出的这条带的大小为200 bp左右。差异条带的出现说明白化苗与正常苗在DNA序列上是有差异的,发生这种差异的原因是碱基突变,缺失还是插入,还需进一步的测序比较分析。Abstract: Using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique to study polymorphism between the genomic DNA of albescent seedlings and normal seedlings of Phoebe zhennan, it was found that bands amplified by P6 and P11 were between albescent seedlings and normal seedlings. The number of bands of albescent seedlings amplified by P6 was one less than that of normal seedlings and the size of the lacking stripe was about 230 bp. The number of bands of albescent seedlings amplified by P11 was one more than that of normal seedlings and the size of the extra stripe was around 200 bp. The differences of bands indicated that the DNA sequence of albescent seedlings was different from that of normal seedlings. It was needed to conduct sequence and comparative analysis to confirm whether the differences were caused by base mutation,deletion or insertion.