In order to study the effect of eco-blanket covering on the vegetation restoration,the eco-blanket is firstly applied to the gravel sediment accumulation area and sediment accumulation area in landslide areas caused by the earthquake. Under the different types of fertilizer concentration and eco-blanket combined mode,at the beginning of growing period,the initial germination time,height and coverage of herbs have no significant differences, while the initial germination time of
Amorpha fruticosa has significant differences. At the end of growing period,the height and coverage of herbs have significant differences,the height and crown of
Amorpha fruticosa also have significant differences, without finding the growth of tall fescue. On each eco-blanket,the effects of vegetation restoration of high concentration of fertilizer are the best; under the same concentration of fertilizer,the growth of plants is as follows:coconut fiber eco-blanket > straw + coconut fiber eco-blanket > straw eco-blanket. At the gravel sediment accumulation area,under the coconut fiber eco-blanket and fertilizer concentration of 80 g·m
-2 combined mode,plants have a serious lodging phenomenon,while the lodging phenomenon is not found in the sediment accumulation area.