The Newly Recorded Species of Ennominae in Sichuan Province
摘要: 记述了灰尺蛾亚科四川省新纪录种6个,分别为毛穿孔尺蛾(Corymica arnearia)、银丝达尺蛾(Dalimaschistacearia)、尼泊尔璃尺蛾(Krananda nepalensis)、黑红蚀尺蛾(Hypochrosis baenzigeri)、钻四星尺蛾(Ophthalmitispertusaria)、Plutodes philornis。标本现保存于西华师范大学生命科学学院昆虫标本馆。Abstract: New records of 6 species of Ennominae in Sichuan Province are reported for the first time. The newly recorded species include Corymica arnearia,Dalima schistacearia,Krananda nepalensis,Hypochrosis baenzigeri,Ophthalmitis pertusaria and Plutodes philornis. All specimens studied are deposited in the Museum of China West Normal University (MCWNU).