Problems and Strategies in the Implementation of the Forestry Carbon Sink Project in Guangyuan City
摘要: 对青川县等共同开发的造林再造林项目以及利州区国家碳汇造林试点实地调查,查证相关资料,探讨林业碳汇项目实施中的问题与对策。成绩显著,但还存在问题。碳汇林业意识待加强,认识有些混乱。或分不清碳汇项目造林与普遍意义造林。或对森林多功能、多效益与碳汇效益的关系认识模糊,把森林碳储存与碳封存混为一谈,孤立静止地看碳循环,简单地认为森林采伐后即排,所以林与碳无关。国际国内相关制度建设待完善。低碳研究不仅涉及自然科学,还涉及社会科学。如生态学,经济学,法学等。并与国际国内的相关主体的权益调整密切相关。新造碳汇林效益待显现。林业CDM项目有行无市。广元是欠发达地区,CDM前期成本风险大。有些问题待进一步研究,如,关于森林碳汇在世界碳汇中的地位,关于森林碳汇效益在森林多功能中的地位,如何处理碳汇与森林多功能效益发挥的关系,森林采伐的碳汇成熟与市场成熟的关系等。广元市实施林业碳汇项目的几点建议。建议成立广元低碳林业研究中心;建议成立广元区域性绿色碳汇基金会;减少林业碳汇项目实施中的碳泄漏,推进绿色消费低碳化,增强森林碳汇能力。研究农村能源结构的变迁与森林保护的关系。农村林区能源结构低碳化,逐步扩大用天然气、水能、太阳能、风能、沼气、地热等能源的比重。"猪-沼-果"农村循环经济模式的推广,烧火做饭再不用柴火,用沼气,朝天西北乡"十二五"末沼气全覆盖;荣山乡村民太阳能热水器的普遍应用;工农镇村民电能替代薪材。取暖方式的变化,煤炉-木炭-烤电-烤气-空调。森林碳汇在低碳城市建设中举足轻重,宜居宜业宜游,建生物质发电新项目。森林碳汇市场将随着阻碍森林碳汇市场的政策环境、买方和卖方的相关制约因素的逐步完善,阶段性演进发展。创建全国低碳林业试点市,发挥森林碳汇功能,积极实践与探索国家碳汇造林营造林新机制,开展林业园林测土配方施肥。加快低碳发展意义下的广元林业生态经济发展和生态文化繁荣,生态和民生并重,提高广元的生态文明程度。Abstract: Discussion is made of problems and strategies in the implementation of the forestry carbon sink project in Guangyuan City after carrying out the field investigation of the first forestry carbon sink project of Sichuan Province-the project of forestation and reforestation on degraded land of Northwestern Sichuan in China that is jointly developed by Qingchuan County etc. and to the 133.33 hm2 national pilot forestation for carbon sink in Fenshui Village and Jindong Village,Dachao Township Lizhou District Guangyuan City,hearing opinions of persons in charge of municipal and district forestry bureau and bureau of parks and woods,village forestry station and professional cooperative organization as well as reviewing relevant domestic and foreign materials. The achievement is remarkable,but there are also quite a few problems. The forestry CDM project is hard to achieve economical benefit. The sense of carbon sink forestry has to be strengthened and the recognition is chaotic. There are also individual leaders or experts,who make irresponsible remarks or have inconsistent understanding,or simply consider that the fostered forest must be sold out or it must be forestation and reforestation project,or they can not distinguish carbon sink forestation with forestation of the common sense. Or they have vague recognition to the relationship between multifunction and multi-benefit of forest and carbon sink benefit, confuse forest's carbon storage with carbon sequestration,view carbon cycle statically and in isolation,simply consider that the carbon is released after the forest is felled,so carbon is irrelevant to forest. Relevant international and domestic systems need to be perfected. The low carbon research involves not only natural science,but also social science such as ecology,economics and science of law. It is also closely related to rights and interests of relevant international and domestic bodies. The benefit of new carbon sink forest has yet to be revealed. Guangyuan is an underdeveloped region,the risk of early cost of CDM is large and some issues have to be further researched and promoted,e. g.