Assessment of the Impacts of Pingdougou Hydropower Station on Wild Animal and Plant Resources in Sichuan Baiyang Nature Reserve
摘要: 本文通过对平陡沟水电站工程在四川白羊省级自然保护区影响评价区域的野生动植物资源现状调查,分析并评价了水电站工程可能对保护区野生动植物资源造成的影响,提出了减少对野生动植物资源不利影响的措施。Abstract: Based on Investigations of the present situation of wild animal and plant resonrces in Sichuan Provincial Baiyang Nature Reserve influenced by Pingdougou hydropower station, analysis and assessment were made of the impacts which the wild animal and plant resources in Reserve might meet with because of the building of the hydropower station, and some measures were put forward to reduce the negative influences on wild animal and plant resources.