



Genetic diversity analysis of Phoebe zhennan provenances (Families) in Sichuan Province based on SSR markers

  • 摘要: 楠木(Phoebe zhennan)是我国特有的珍贵用材树种。利用14对多态性SSR引物对四川省10个种源39个楠木家系进行遗传多样性特征分析,以期揭示其遗传背景及家系间的遗传关系,为楠木优良种源(家系)的选择与利用提供理论依据。结果显示,14对SSR引物共检测出178个等位基因(Na),平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为7.058。PIC值在0.306~0.939间变化,均值为0.746,多态性较高。Shannon’s信息指数(I)在1.306~1.511之间变化,平均值为1.368,表明楠木种源(家系)具有较高的遗传多样性水平。期望杂合度(He)与观测杂合度(Ho)分别在0.646~0.0.703之间和0.920~1.000之间,平均分别为0.676和0.550。分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果显示,99%的遗传变异来源于种源内,仅1%的遗传变异来源于种源间。基于STRUCTURE对39个家系进行群体结构分析,当K=3时,ΔK有最大峰值,表明适宜被分为3个群组。基于遗传距离的聚类分析将楠木39个家系分为4个类群,除F20单独一个类群外,其余三个类群混合了成都、泸州、雅安、乐山各地的楠木家系,类群划分与种源地无明显联系。研究结果为楠木优异基因资源的发掘和杂交亲本的选配提供了理论参考。


    Abstract: Pheobe zhennan is a unique and valuable timber tree plants in China. In order to reveal the genetic background and relationship among families, and to provide theoretical basis for the utilization of P. zhennan, 14 pairs of polymorphic SSR primers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 39 P. zhennan families from 10 provenances in Sichuan Province. The results showed that a total of 178 alleles (Na) were detected by 14 pairs of SSR primers, and the average effective allele number (Ne) was 7.058. The PIC value varied from 0.306 to 0.939, with an average value of 0.746, showing high polymorphism of the SSR markers. Shannon's information index (I) ranged from 1.306 to 1.511, with an average value of 1.368, indicating that the P. zhennan provenances (families) had a relative high level of genetic diversity. The expected heterozygosity (He) and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) were 0.646 - 0.703 and 0.920 - 1.000 respectively, with an average of 0.676 and 0.550, respectively. The results of molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA) showed that 99% of genetic variation came from within provenances, and only 1% came from among provenances. Based on STRUCTURE software, the genetic structure was analyzed. When K=3, the ΔK had the maximum peak value, indicating that it was suitable to be divided into three groups. Based on the cluster analysis of genetic distance, 39 P. zhennan families were divided into four groups. Except for a single group of F20, the other three groups were mixed with other P. zhennan families from Chengdu, Luzhou, Ya'an and Leshan, and there was no obvious relationship between the classification of groups and the provenance sites. The study results provided a theoretical reference for the exploration of excellent gene resources and the selection of hybrid parents of P. zhennan.


