



Study on the normative application of camera-trapping in wildlife resources investigation: bibliometric analysis based on CNKI database

  • 摘要: 红外相机技术已经成为野生动物调查和监测的主要手段,对该技术的规范使用是获取代表性与可比性数据的前提。为了解国内红外相机技术在野生动物资源调查中的使用规范情况。在CNKI数据库内,检索并筛选得到572篇使用红外相机研究野生动物的文献,根据发文趋势将其分第一阶段(1996~2013年)、第二阶段(2013~2018年)、第三阶段(2019~2021年)进行分析。对于其中野生动物资源调查类的286篇文献,从抽样布设、安装与维护、数据分析与报告撰写三方面,细分出24个模块进行评分,分析不同阶段的分值变化,探究经济水平(省人均GDP)、有无高校等科研机构参与、地形、保护地等级四种因素对使用规范的影响。在地理空间上发文量由华中、华南地区向西南、西北及华北区域扩展,西南地区为热点调查区域。资源调查类研究主要集中在国家级和省级保护地。不同阶段规范分值有显著差异,随时间呈增长趋势,即国内红外相机的使用趋向规范化发展。但仍存在不足,很多调查不能完成年周期监测,安装时缺乏对相机间隔距离、所处小环境的考虑,数据分析时缺乏对采样强度的判断。相关性分析表明,不同省份经济水平与各省内开展的红外相机研究的规范呈显著正相关,主要表现在安装与维护的操作。广义线性模型结果发现,科研机构的参与显著增加了相关研究的评分。为更好地促进国内红外相机在野生动物资源调查中的使用规范,提出以下建议以供参考:1)推动保护地与高校等科研单位合作。2)增加省级以下保护地及非保护地的调查。3)红外相机使用过程中,当存在较大尺度栖息地类型差异时,尽可能利用分层抽样的方法,并完成年周期调查;考虑并记录像机的间隔距离、小环境等信息;数据分析和展示中,注意分析采样强度。


    Abstract: Camera-trapping has become the primary method of wildlife investigation and monitoring, and the standardized use of this technique is a prerequisite to acquire representative and comparable data. In order to understand the standard of use of camera-trapping in wildlife resources investigation in China. This study searched and screened 572 papers using camera-trapping for wildlife research in the CNKI database, and divided them into three phases according to the publication time: Phase I (1996—2013), Phase II (2013—2018) and Phase III (2019—2021). For 286 documents of wildlife resources investigation, 24 modules were subdivided from three aspects: sampling layout, installation and maintenance, data analysis and report writing, and the changes of scores in different stages were analyzed to explore the influence of economic level (per capita GDP of the province), participation of scientific research institutions such as universities, topography and protected land grade on the use norms. The results showed that the number of papers published in geographical space had expanded from central and south China to southwest China, northwest China and northern China, with southwest China being the hotpot investigation area. Research on resource investigation mainly focused on national and provincial protected areas. There were significant differences between the three phases of the score, with an increasing trend over time, i.e., the use of camera-trapping in China tended to develop in a normative way. However, there were still shortcomings, with many surveys unable to complete the annual cycle of monitoring, a lack of consideration of camera distance and micro-environment in which they located during installation, and a lack of judgement on sampling intensity during data analysis. Correlation analysis showed that the economic level of the provinces had a significant positive correlation with the norms of infrared camera research carried out in each province, mainly in the operation of installation and maintenance. The results of the generalized linear model showed that studies with the involvement of research institutions were more standardized in their operation. In order to better promote the standardization of the use of camera-trapping in wildlife resource investigation in China, the following suggestions were put forward for reference: 1) Strengthening cooperation of nature reserve and research institutions. 2) Increasing the investigation of protected areas and unprotected areas below the provincial level. 3) During the use of camera traps, when there are differences in habitat types, use stratified sampling methods when possible and complete annual cycle surveys; consider and record information on the distance between cameras, small geomorphology and other information; and in data analysis, pay attention to the intensity of the analysis of sampling.


