



Soil elements and microbial characteristics of Malania oleifera under different site conditions

  • 摘要: 不同居群蒜头果种子油及神经酸含量存在显著差异,为了探究土壤营养元素和微生物类型与蒜头果种子油含量及神经酸含量的关系,对蒜头果主要分布区不同居群的土壤理化性质和微生物组成进行了检测分析。结果表明,居群间土壤pH值、大量元素、中量元素、微量元素均存在显著差异,且与生境中岩石裸露率有一定的相关性,岩石裸露率高的石山的pH值显著高于岩石裸露率低的土山;除大量元素的P、S、Cu元素和NH4+-N、NO3-N、AP的含量外,其他元素含量均为石山生境显著高于土山生境;石山生境的AMF、SF、Fungi生物量显著高于土山生境,而土山生境的Si含量显著高于石山生境;蒜头果土壤理化性质与土壤微生物之间存在一定的相关性,土壤Si含量与GP: GN显著正相关,但与pH值及其他元素含量呈显著负相关(P < 0.05);石山土壤pH值、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn元素以及AMF、SF、Fungi含量高可能与石山生境中蒜头果种子油含量和神经酸含量高于土山生境有关,导致石山与土山的头果油含量和神经酸含量有差异。


    Abstract: There were significant differences in the seed oil and neuronic acid (NA) contents of Malania oleifera in different habitats. In order to investigate the relationship between soil nutrient elements, microbial types and the seed oil content and NA content of M. oleifera, soil physicochemical properties and microbial compositions of different habitats of M. oleifera in the main distribution areas were tested and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences in soil pH, macroelements content, secondary elements content and trace elements content among the habitats, which were related to the rock exposure in the habitat. The pH value of the rocky mountains with high rock exposure rate was significantly higher than that of the earthen mountains with a low rock exposure rate. Except the contents of P, S, Cu, NH4+-N, NO3-N and AP, the contents of all other elements of the rocky mountain habitats were significantly higher than those in the earthen mountain habitats. The biomass of AMF, SF, and Fungi in the rocky mountain habitats was significantly higher than those in the earthen mountain habitats, while the Si content in the earthen mountain habitats was significantly higher than that in the rocky mountain habitats. There was a certain correlation between soil physical and chemical properties and soil microorganisms. The content of soil Si was significantly positively correlated with GP:GN, but significantly negatively correlated with pH and other elements (P < 0.05). The high contents of soil pH, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, AMF, SF, Fungi contents in the rocky mountain habitats may be related to the higher oil content and NA content of M. Oleifera were higher than those in the earthen mountain habitats, which led to the differences in the head fruit oil content and NA content between rocky mountains and earthen mountains.


