Two newly recorded species of Orchidaceae in Sichuan Province, China
摘要: 报道了四川省兰科 (Orchidaceae) 植物2新记录种, 即波密斑叶兰 (Goodyera bomiensis K.Y. Lang) 和南湖斑叶兰 (Goodyera nankoensis Fukuyama),同时提供了这两个物种的形态描述、彩色图版以及地理分布。凭证标本存放于中国科学院成都生物所植物标本馆 (CDBI)。拓展了斑叶兰属植物的分布界线,并进一步丰富了四川省兰科植物的多样性。Abstract: Goodyera bomiensis K.Y. Lang and Goodyera nankoensis Fukuyama were reported as two newly recorded species in Sichuan Province, China. The morphological descriptions, detailed photographs and geographical distribution were also provided. The voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Chengdu Institute of Biology (CDBI). This finding expands the distributional boundaries of Goodyera, and further enriches the diversity of Orchidaceae in Sichuan Province.