Preliminary Report on Cutting Breeding Technique of Camellia polyodonta How. Ex Hu.
摘要: 为了掌握多齿红山茶扦插育苗技术,以多齿红山茶的枝条作为扦插材料,研究了基质、生长调节剂(种类、质量浓度)和保留叶片数量等方面对插穗成活的影响。结果表明:采用黄沙为基质、以生长调节剂IBA100 mg·L−1浸泡3h,保留2片叶扦插效果较好。Abstract: In order to master the cutting breeding technique of Camellia Polyodonta, the cuttings of Camellia Polyodonta were used as cutting materials, and the effects of substrate, plant growth regulator (type and concentration) and the number of reserved leaves on the survival of cuttings were studied. The results showed that using yellow sand as substrate, soaking with growth regulator IBA 100 mg·L−1 for 3h, and retaining two leaves had better cutting effect.