



Diversity and Distribution of Wild Mammals in Xiaozhaizigou National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province Based on Infrared Camera Technology

  • 摘要: 2017年3月至2021年7月,按照公里网格抽样方案在四川小寨子沟保护区及周边区域布设红外相机,对区内大中型兽类开展持续监测。研究期间共计230个有效相机监测位点,覆盖146个调查网格,共计71593个有效相机工作日,获得野生兽类的独立有效记录总计6071次,共识别出野生兽类4目13科22种。其中,国家I级和国家II级重点保护野生动物分别有4种和10种,被IUCN红色名录评为“濒危(EN)”等级的有2种,“易危(VU)”等级的有6种,“近危(NT)”等级的有2种。调查记录的黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)为保护区新记录。研究发现中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)、野猪(Sus scrofa)、黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)、川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)等18种兽类的分布网格数均不低于10,而对应的网格占有率和相对多度指数RAI均排在前列,保护区不同功能区域下均拍摄到较多种类的兽类物种(18~20种),保护区不同功能区域内均有多种兽类物种存在集群现象(7~13种)且绝大部分兽类物种存在跨海拔活动现象。本研究结果显示保护区珍稀濒危兽类资源较为丰富、种群数量较多且分布较广,一定程度上表明保护区多年的保护工作卓有成效。


    Abstract: From March 2017 to July 2021, the diversity of large and medium-sized mammals in the Xiaozhaizigou National Nature Reserve and its surrounding areas were continuously monitored by infrared camera technology according to the kilometer grid sampling scheme in Sichuan province. During the research period, with an intensive survey effort of 71593 efficient camera days at 230 locations (126 grids), a total of 28707 photographs and videos and 6071 independent and effective records of wild mammals were collected. A total of 22 wild mammal species belonging to 13 families and 4 orders were identified. Among them, 4 species were national I-class protected wild animals and 10 species were national II-class protected wild animals. Two species were evaluated as Endangered (EN), six species were Vulnerable (VU) and two species were Near threatened (NT) by IUCN Red List. The recorded Siberian Weasel (Mustela sibirica) was a new record in the nature reserve. The results showed that the distribution grid number of 18 species, including Chinese Goral (Naemorhedus griseus), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Himalayan Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) and Golden Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), was not less than 10, and the corresponding grid occupancy rate and relative abundance index RAI were in the forefront. A large number of mammal species (18~20 species) were recorded in different functional areas of the nature reserve. There were many kinds of mammal species (7-13 species) clustered in different functional areas of the nature reserve and most of them had cross-altitude moving activities. The results of this study showed that the resources of rare and endangered wild mammals in the monitoring area were rich, the population number was large and the distribution was wide. To some extent, it indicated that the conservation work of the reserve had been effective for many years.


