Newly Recorded Plants of Rubus in Sichuan Province
摘要: 报道了四川省悬钩子属(Rubus)2个新记录,即大乌泡(Rubus pluribracteatus)和曲萼悬钩子(Rubus refractus),标本采自四川省叙永县,凭证标本存放在中科院成都生物所植物标本室(CDBI)。该次发现悬钩子属植物新记录丰富了四川省植物物种资源。Abstract: Two species of Rubus were reported as new records in Sichuan Province, namely Rubus pluribracteatus L. T. Lu & Boufford and Rubus refractus Lévl. The specimens were collected from Xuyong County, Sichuan Province. All the voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Chengdu Institute of Biology (CDBI). The discovery of these two new records enriched the plant species resources in Sichuan Province.