The introduction and cultivation experiments of four precocious walnut varieties (i.e. 8518, 9818, Xiangling and Yunxin 14) combined with the local variety (control treatment) were carried out in three typical areas (Jintang Town, Kangding (KJ), Chuni Town, Luding (LC), Guza Town, Kangding (KG)) of the dry valley of the Dadu River. The survival rate, preservation rate, ground diameter and height growth increment of the different precocious walnut varieties were compare to select the most suitable precocious walnut varieties in the dry valley of the Dadu River. The results showed that varieties and planting sites significantly affected the survival rate, preservation rate, ground diameter and height growth increments of the four precocious walnut varieties. All the growth parameters of the four precocious walnut varieties followed the same order of KG > LC > KJ. The survival rate, preservation rate, ground diameter and height growth increments of Xiangling were the highest, followed by 8518 variety, and 9818 and Yunxin 14 varieties were the lowest. Hence, the varieties and environmental conditions of planting sites should be taken into full consideration in promoting the precocious walnut varieties in the dry valley areas of the Dadu River. While vigorously developing local varieties, Xiangling and 8518 varieties can be introduced. However, due to low ecological adaptability of 9818 and Yunxin 14 varieties, it is not recommended to introduce and cultivate them in the dry valley areas of the Dadu river.