Juglans regia L. is one of the most important economic species in China. In order to make early selection of hybrid offspring and predict production effects, and provide reference for enriching the theory of woody hybrid breeding and reducing the risk of production popularization and application. In this experiment, "Chuanzao 1" was used as the female parent to conduct controlled pollination experiments, and the growth indicators and photosynthetic physiological parameters of senven F1 generations were compared. The results showed that: the coefficient of variation of phenotypic traits among F1 generations was wide (3.25%—23.67%), especially the coefficient of variation of single fruit weight was the largest, reaching 23.67%.The Chlorophyll variance analysis showed that there was extreme significant difference among the 21 hybrid nuts (8.373**), and the CV of chlorophyll was 29.66%. The C1GC had great photosynthetic potential. The principal component analysis showed that the extracted first three principal components covered 87.066% of all characters, and the first three excellent F1 generations were C1GC (1.5650), C1SL (0.9884) and C1ZF (0.4559). Howerer, considering that the parthenogenesis would have a lower emergence rate, the superior
Juglans regia seedlings were C1SL and C1ZF.