Dwarf bamboos are the main food resources for the giant panda, which are the basis for the survival and reproduction of the giant panda. The research on the giant panda’s staple diet is of great significance for the protection of the giant panda. In this study, the staple food bamboo of the giant panda in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve was taken as the research object, and the species, population characteristics and environmental factors of staple food bamboo were stuied by sample line and quadrat method. The results were as follows: (1) There were 7 bamboo species in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve, including White bamboo clip (
Phyllostachys bissetii), Thorn black bamboo (
Chimonobambusa neopurpurea), Bamboo with short cone (
Yushania brevipaniculata), broadleaf bamboo (
Indocalamus longiauritus), cold arrow bamboo (
Bashania fangiana), Bamboo stick (
Fargesia robusta), Twigs arrow bamboo (
F. stenoclada), which were mainly distributed below 3000 m above sea level and grown well by cloning. (2) Among the 7 bamboo species, the quadrat ratio of 1-year-old clonal ramets was 47.1%−100%, the quadrat ratio of 1-year-old clonal ramets per unit area was 7.5%−25.9%, and the quadrat ratio of bamboo death was 23.5%−100%. (3) The density range of clonal ramets of 7 bamboo species was 14.5−48.8 /m
2, among which the density range of 1-year-old clonal ramets was 2−6/m
2. (4) The average diameter of clonal ramets of 7 bamboo species was 5.2−8.4 mm, and the average height was 110.9−189.0 cm. (5) Altitude only had a significant effect on the density of cold arrow bamboo (
P<0.05), but had no significant impact on the density of the other 6 bamboo species (
P>0.05). (6) The canopy density only had a significant effect on the density, basal diameter and height of Twigs arrow bamboos (
P<0.01), but had no significant effect on the other 6 bamboo species (
P>0.05). (7) Giant panda mainly feed on short cone Yushan bamboo and Twigs arrow bamboo, which were widely distributed and less affected by slope and aspect. It’s suggested that the short cone Yushan bamboo and Twigs arrow bamboo should be replanted properly in the habitat and potential habitat of the giant panda, in order to form mixed bamboo forests with different ages and multiple bamboo species.