



A Study of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Leaf Traits of Salix cupularis with Different Ages in Alpine Sandy Land

  • 摘要: 高山柳(Salix cupularis)是川西北地区用于防风固沙的主要植物。使用Li-6400光合系统测定了若尔盖县苗圃地1年生、2年生、8年生高山柳及从该苗圃地移栽至若尔盖流动沙地上生长的11年生高山柳的光合生理特征及各个龄级叶的形态特征。结果表明:高山柳净光合速率(Pn)日变化均呈单峰曲线,不存在午休现象,日均值大小表现为苗圃2年生>野外11年生>苗圃1年生>苗圃8年生;GsTr的日变化趋势一致,苗圃2年生高山柳日均值最高;叶片气孔限制值(Ls)日变化曲线均为早晨较低,苗圃2年生日均值低于1年生和野外11年生高山柳,与苗圃8年生高山柳差异不明显;野外11年生高山柳水分利用效率(WUE)日均值显著高于其余3个龄级高山柳。苗圃2年生高山柳的最大净光合速率(Pn max)明显高于其余各龄级高山柳;1年生高山柳光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)相对最低;野外11年生高山柳LCP、光饱和点(LSP)值明显高于苗圃各个龄级的高山柳。野外11年生高山柳叶干物质含量均显著高于苗圃各龄级;苗圃1年生和野外11年生高山柳叶面积、叶干重、比叶面积均显著低于2年生和8年生高山柳。


    Abstract: Salix cupularis is the main plant for windbreak and sand fixation in northwest Sichuan. In this study, investigations were made on the differences of photosynthetic capacity and leaf traits among four age-class seedlings (1-, 2-, 8- and 11-year-old) of S. cupularis. The photosynthesis parameters and light response curves were measured using portable Li-6400 photosynthetic system (Licor, USA). The results showed that the diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of S. cupularis showed an unimodal curve without midday depression. The Pn of 2-year-old S. cupularis was significantly higher than that of others, and the order was nursery 2-year-old > wild 11-year-old > nursery 1-year-old > nursery 8-year-old. The daily variation trend of Gs and Tr were the same, and the daily mean value of 2-year-old S. cupularis in nursery were higher than the other three age classes. The diurnal variation value of Ls showed the lowest in the morning, the Ls daily mean value of 2-year-old S. cupularis was lower than that of 1-year-old S. cupularis in nursery and 11-year-old S. cupularis in wild, and there was no significant difference compared with 8-year-old S. cupularis in nursery. WUE daily mean value of 11-year-old S. cupularis in wild was significantly higher than that of the other three age-class S. cupularis. Pn max of 2-year-old S. cupularis was significantly higher than that of others. LCP and Rd of 1-year-old S. cupularis were lower than that of the other three age-class S. cupularis. LCP and LSP of 11-year-old S. cupularis in wild were significantly higher than others in nursery. Leaf dry matter content of 11-year-old S. cupularis in wild was significantly higher than others in nursery. Leaf area, leaf dry weight, specific leaf area of 1-year-old S. cupularis in nursery and 11-year-old S. cupularis in wild were significantly lower than those of 2-year-old and 8-year-old S. cupularis in nursery.


