



Amphibian diversity and its elevational pattern in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park

  • 摘要: 物种多样性的空间分布格局及驱动因素是近年来保护生物学研究的热点问题。两栖动物作为受胁最严重的脊椎动物类群,迫切需要得到有力的保护和持续的监测。瓦屋山国家森林公园地处横断山区与四川盆地的过渡地带,具有复杂多样的生境类型和丰富的生物多样性,在中国西南山地生物多样性保护中具有十分独特的地位。为及时更新区域内的两栖动物物种名录、探明物种多样性海拔分布格局及其关键影响因子,基于已有的历史资料,于2023~2024年在瓦屋山国家森林公园四个代表区域(瓦屋山、玉屏山、张村、铜厂坝)布设了62条样线,系统开展两栖动物多样性及海拔分布调查。研究结果表明:瓦屋山国家森林公园两栖动物多样性和独特性高,共记录两栖动物36种,隶属于2目9科19属;中国特有种14种,占总物种数的38.89%;四川省特有种8种,占总物种数的22.22%;洪雅县特有种3种,占总物种数的8.33%。从公园总体来看,两栖动物的G-F指数为0.326;从生境类型来看,天然林两栖动物多样性相对较高,其G-F指数最高(0.102),人工林和农田相对偏低(−0.260;−0.591)。地理区系上,以东洋界、西南区物种为主;生态类型上,以陆栖-流水型物种居多。已记录的两栖动物主要分布于海拔400~2 704 m,有25%的物种垂直分布宽度小于200 m。瓦屋山国家森林公园两栖动物物种多样性的海拔分布格局呈单峰分布模式,总物种丰富度在海拔1 200 m达到最大值,受胁物种丰富度在海拔1 600 m达到最大值。年均温、年降水、归一化植被指数等环境因子共同驱动了瓦屋山国家森林公园两栖动物物种多样性的海拔分布格局;其中,年均温与沿海拔梯度的物种丰富度呈显著正相关。研究阐明了瓦屋山国家森林公园的两栖动物物种多样性海拔分布格局及其驱动因素,为后续的保护生物学研究提供了基础数据。


    Abstract: The spatial distribution of species diversity and the driving factors have been hot topics in conservation biology in recent years. Amphibians, as the most threatened vertebrate group, urgently need effective protection and continuous monitoring. Wawu Mountain National Forest Park, located in the transition zone between the Hengduan Mountains and the Sichuan Basin, with diverse habitat types and rich biodiversity, plays a unique role in the conservation of biodiversity in the Southwestern Mountains of China. To promptly update the amphibian species list in the area, and explore the elevational patterns of species diversity and their driving factors, this study conducted 62 transects in four representative areas of the park (Mount Wawu, Mount Yuping, Zhangcun, Tongchangba) in 2023 and 2024 to survey amphibians. By integrating field survey and historical data, the study revealed rich diversity and high endemism of amphibian in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park. There were 36 species belonging to two orders, nine families, and 19 genera. Among which, 14 species were endemic to China, accounting for 38.89% of the total number of species, eight species (22.22%) were endemic to Sichuan Province, and three species (8.33%) were endemic to Hongya County. The overall G-F index of amphibians in the park is 0.326. In terms of habitat types, natural forests exhibited the highest G-F index (0.102), and planted forests and farmlands displayed relatively lower indices (−0.260; −0.591). At the geographical region level, the species were mainly from the Oriental realm and Southwest realm; at the ecological types level, terrestrial-stream species were the majority. The recorded amphibians were primarily distributed at elevations of 400–2,704 m, with 25% of species vertically distributing less than 200 m. The elevational pattern of amphibian species diversity in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park showed a unimodal distribution pattern, with total species richness peaking at an elevation of 1,200 m and threatened species richness peaking at 1,600 m. The annual mean temperature, annual precipitation, and normalized difference vegetation index collectively drove the elevational pattern of amphibian diversity in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park, and the annual mean temperature is significantly positively correlated with amphibian diversity along the elevational gradient. This study illuminated the elevational pattern of amphibian diversity in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park, as well as the underlying factors driving this distribution. The findings provided essential data to inform future research in conservation biology.


