



The Impact of the Microenvironment in Front of Infrared Camera Traps on Monitoring Birds and Mammals

  • 摘要: 红外相机陷阱因其工作效率高、对野生动物影响小、适用于多种环境等优势被广泛应用于生物多样性调查监测。然而,红外相机前微环境对野生动物拍摄率的影响以及不同微环境下红外相机监测数据的差异性尚缺乏研究。2021年7月12日至2021年10月23日,在苍山海拔2600~2800 m区间选取5个样方,每个样方安装3台红外相机进行对比监测,分别为红外相机前空旷平坦的对照组、相机前放置树枝的树枝组以及放置石块的石块组。结果共拍摄独立有效监测照片515张,鸟兽共29种,包括兽类5目10科13种,鸟类3目6科16种,其中雀形目鸟类14种,鸮形目鸟类1种,鸡形目鸟类1种。树枝组监测到鸟类物种数14种,雀形目11种,石块组监测到鸟类8种,雀形目6种,对照组只监测到鸡形目鸟类1种;树枝组所拍摄的鸟类照片中,有88%位于树枝上;石块组拍摄的鸟类照片中,有76%位于石块上。鸟类物种数以及拍摄率均为树枝组>石块组>对照组(t检验, P≤0.05)。树枝组拍摄到的兽类为12种,石块组拍摄到的兽类为11种,对照组为9种;石块组的兽类拍摄率显著高于树枝组和对照组(t检验, P≤0.05)。研究表明红外相机前微环境对鸟兽监测具有显著影响,树枝和石块对鸟类有吸引作用,尤其会增加小型雀形目鸟类拍摄率和物种捕获数;石块对兽类吸引作用更明显。后续在使用红外相机进行物种监测时应注意红外相机放置微环境对监测效果的影响。


    Abstract: Absrtact: Infrared camera traps are widely used in biodiversity survey and monitoring because of their high efficiency, little impact on wildlife and suitability for various environments. However, there is still a lack of research on the influence of the micro-environment in front of the infrared camera on the shooting rate of wild animals and the difference of the monitoring data of the infrared camera in different micro-environments. From July 12, 2021 to October 23, 2021, five quadrats were selected from Cangshan Mountain at an altitude of 2600~2800m, and three infrared cameras were installed in each quadrat for comparative monitoring, namely, the empty and flat control group in front of the infrared cameras, the branch group with branches in front of the cameras and the stone group with stones. Results A total of 515 independent and effective monitoring photos were taken, including 29 species of birds and animals, including 13 species of mammals in 5 orders, 10 families, and 16 species of birds in 3 orders, 6 families, including 14 species of passeriformes, 1 species of owls and 1 species of cockscomb. There were 14 species of birds in the branch group, 11 species of passeriformes, 8 species of birds in the stone group and 6 species of passeriformes, and only 1 species of birds in the control group. Among the bird photos taken by the branch group, 88% are located on the branches; 76% of the bird photos taken by the stone group are located on stones. The number of bird species and shooting rate were in the order of branch group > stone group > control group (t test, P≤0.05). There are 12 species of mammals photographed in the branch group, 11 species in the stone group and 9 species in the control group. The shooting rate of animals in stone group was significantly higher than that in branch group and control group (t test, P≤0.05). The research shows that the microenvironment in front of infrared camera has a significant influence on the monitoring of birds and animals, and branches and stones attract birds, especially increasing the shooting rate and species capture of small passerine birds. Stones are more attractive to mammals. Attention should be paid to the influence of the micro-environment of infrared camera on the monitoring effect when using infrared camera for species monitoring in the future.


