Eucosia viridiflora, a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae in Sichuan Province
摘要: 报道了四川省成都市兰科(Orchidaceae)新记录种——开宝兰(Eucosia viridiflora),并附有新记录种的描述及特征照片。凭证标本保存于四川省自然资源科学研究院陈列馆(SCNRSAEH)。Abstract: Eucosia viridiflora was reported as a new record species of Orchidaceae in Sichuan Province, China.The morphological descriptions, detailed photographs, and its geographical distribution were also provided. The voucher specimens were desposited in the Sichuan Academy of Natural Resources Sciences Exhibition Hall.This finding further enriched the diversity of Orchidaceae plants in Sichuan Province.