



Progress in habitat network from the perspective of migratory bird protection in recent ten years

  • 摘要: 候鸟是陆地生物多样性中最具指示性的类群,生态敏感度极高,但由于城市化进程的不断加快,大量候鸟栖息地的不断丧失已经严重威胁其生存。因此,以候鸟栖息地保护为目标的生境网络构建工作尤为重要。通过VOSviewer1.6.20结合Bibliometrix,对2013~2023年国内外相关研究进行计量分析,对比关键词共现知识图谱,梳理高频关键词,分析当前候鸟保护视角下生境网络相关研究的不同热点趋势。结果表明:1)相关研究可归纳为四大热点趋势,包括有候鸟生境网络构建与优化研究、候鸟保护与适应性机制研究、候鸟生境保护与管理研究及候鸟监测与评估体系研究。2)当前欧美国家研究虽占据优势,但中国仍为热点国家之一,鄱阳湖、黄海等亦是其研究热点区域,具备天然优势,有巨大的研究潜力;3)Richard A. Fuller、Theunis Piersma等是该研究领域的核心学者,且该领域在Biological Conservation等期刊上发文较多,昆士兰大学生物科学学院、全球迁飞网络(GFN)等是该研究的主要力量。4)基于候鸟保护视角,提出“多尺度耦合”与“多视角联合”方式衔接目前的国土规划方案,以三跨合作方式,弥补现有方法的缺陷,以适应未来不同的土地利用,这可能是未来研究重点。


    Abstract: Migratory birds are the most indicative taxa of terrestrial biodiversity and are highly sensitive to ecology, but due to accelerating urbanisation, the loss of habitats for a large number of migratory birds has become a serious threat to their survival. Therefore, the construction of habitat network aiming at migratory bird habitat protection is particularly important. Through VOSviewer 1.6.20 combined with Bibliometrix, relevant studies at home and abroad from 2013 to 2023 were metrologically analysed, and the keyword co-occurrence knowledge map was compared to sort out the high-frequency keywords and analyse the different hot trends of the current habitat network-related studies under the perspective of migratory bird conservation. The results show that: 1) The relevant research can be summarized into four hot trends, including research on the construction and optimization of migratory bird habitat network, migratory bird protection and adaptive mechanism, migratory bird habitat protection and management, and migratory bird monitoring and assessment system. 2) Although European and American countries have the advantage, China is still one of the hotspot countries, and the Poyang Lake and the Yellow Sea are also the hotspots of their research, which has natural advantages and great research potentials. 3) The results of this study show that: 1) China has the advantage of being the most important country in the world for migratory bird conservation. (3) Richard A. Fuller, Theunis Piersma, etc. are the core scholars in this research field, and there are many articles published in Biological Conservation journals, and the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Queensland, Global Flight Network (GFN), etc. are the main forces in this research. (4) Based on the perspective of migratory birds conservation, we propose the ‘Migratory Bird Conservation’. 4) Based on the perspective of migratory bird conservation, it is proposed that the ‘multi-scale coupling’ and ‘multi-perspective joint’ approach can be used to connect the current national land planning scheme, and the three-span cooperation approach can make up for the shortcomings of the existing methodology to adapt to the different land uses in the future, which may be the focus of the future research.


