



Ecological stoichiometry characteristics of various organs in Cypress plantations in different hilly areas of central Sichuan

  • 摘要: 为探明川中丘陵区不同区域人工柏木林各器官的养分循环和受限状况,采用样地调查采样法,分别采集了金堂、简阳、盐亭、剑阁4个典型川中丘陵区县(市)的人工柏木林叶、枝、干、皮、根5种器官的样品,测试分析其含水率,C、N、P、K含量、化学计量以及之间的相关性,结果表明:(1)4个县(市)的人工柏木林各器官含水率均以枝最高,干最低,纬度、年均温度和海拔是不同区域内影响柏木各器官含水率的共同因素;(2)双因素方差分析表明,4个县(市)人工柏木林各器官的C、N、P、K质量分数和化学计量比均有显著性差异(P<0.05);(3)4个县(市)的人工柏木林各器官的C含量普遍较高,而N、P储量普遍较低,金堂县柏木干、皮、叶的N质量分数显著高于其他三个区域(P<0.05),各区域柏木根、皮、叶的P质量分数均差异不显著(P>0.05);(4)剑阁县柏木根、皮、枝的N/P值均显著低于其他三个区域(P<0.05),金堂县柏木干、叶的N/P值均与简阳市、剑阁县差异显著(P<0.05)。剑阁县柏木各器官受N元素限制,其他三个区域柏木受P元素限制;(5)不同区域内纬度、年均温度、海拔以及年平均总降水量均对柏木N含量影响较大,对C、P、K含量影响小;(6)在今后的森林经营中,剑阁县应采取间伐柏木补植桤木等固碳阔叶树种形成针阔混交林,其他3个县(市)有条件的可合理增施P肥。


    Abstract: To study the stoichiometric relationships of C, N, P, and K in Cypress plantations in different regions of the hilly areas of central Sichuan, and to explore the impact of regional differences on nutrient cycling in Cypress plantations, as well as to understand the distribution of nutrient elements in various organs of Cypress plantations and the condition of nutrient limitation, samples of leaves, branches, stems, bark, and roots from Cypress plantations in Jintang, Jianyang, Yanting, and Jiange were collected by sampling method, and the moisture content, C, N, P and K contents, stoichiometry, and their correlations were tested and analyzed respectively. The results showed that: (1) The moisture content of each organ in Cypress plantations varied within the four counties (cities), with the highest levels in branches and the lowest in stems. Latitude, annual average temperature, and altitude were common factors influencing the moisture content of different parts of Cypress trees in diverse regions. (2) Two-factor analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences in the mass fractions of C, N, P, K and their stoichiometric ratios in Cypress plantations (P<0.05). (3) The C content in all organs of Cypress plantations in different regions was generally high, while the contents of N and P were generally low. The C mass fraction in the stems of Cypress trees in Yanting was significantly different from that in the other three regions (P<0.05), and the N mass fraction in the stems, bark, and leaves of Cypress trees in Jintang was significantly higher than that in the other three regions (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the P mass fraction in the roots, bark, and leaves of Cypress trees among the regions (P>0.05). (4) The N/P values of roots, bark, and branches of Cypress trees in Jiange were significantly lower than those in the other three regions (P<0.05), and the N/P values of stems and leaves of Cypress trees in Jintang were significantly different from those in Jianyang and Jiange (P<0.05). Cypress plantations in Jiange were limited by N, while Cypress plantations in the other three regions were limited by P. (5) Latitude, mean annual temperature, elevation, and mean annual total precipitation within different regions all had a significant impact on the nitrogen content of cypress, but little influence on the C, P and K contents. (6) In the future forest management, Jiange should adopt selective cutting of cypress trees and replanting alder and other carbon-fixing broad-leaved tree species to form a mixed plantation of conifers and broad-leaved trees. The other 3 counties (cities) can reasonably increase the application of P fertilizer if conditions permit.


