



Study on ornamental characteristics of main woody ornamental flower plants in Chengdu

  • 摘要: 2020年12月1日~2023年11月30日,对成都市木本观花植物的展叶期、花期、花色、花朵气味等进行调查研究,结合相关文献,掌握成都市主要木本观花植物本底资源,分析花色特性、花期、观赏期和气味,为成都市打造花园城市提供科学的依据和数据支撑。结果表明:1)成都市观花类木本植物123种,包括44科83属,其中蔷薇科(15.45%)、木兰科(12.20%)、豆科(8.94%)植物种类最多;2)成都市一年中四季均可观赏到木本花卉,但主要集中在春季和夏季,占木本观花植物物种总数的87.80%;3)木本观花植物的花期从7 d到半年以上均有,以花期30~60 d的为主,有68种,占成都市木本观花植物的55.28%;4)成都市木本观花植物的花色丰富,具有红色系、黄色系、绿色系、白色系、紫色系和蓝色系6 种色系,以白色系(42.28%)和红色系(31.71%)为主;5)成都市观花类木本景观植物中,具有宜人香味的植物最多,有98种,占成都市开花类木本景观植物79.67%,占主要地位。基于成都市区木本观花植物和观赏特性,可进一步加大野生资源的开发利用,在增加城市景观多样性,避免景观同质化的同时,也能增加城市森林的生物多样性,促进城市森林群落结构稳定性,营建近自然的城市森林。


    Abstract: From December 1st, 2020 to November 30th, 2023, the leaf expansion stage, flowering period, flower color, and flower smell of woody ornamental plants in Chengdu were investigated, and a comprehensive understanding of the basic resources of woody ornamental plants in Chengdu was obtained by combining with relevant literature. The characteristics of flower color, flowering period, viewing period, and flower smell were analyzed to provide scientific basis and data support for Chengdu to build a garden city. The results showed that: (1) There were 123 species of woody ornamental plants in Chengdu, including 44 families and 83 genera, among which Rosaceae (15.45%), Magnoliaceae (12.20%), and Fabaceae (8.94%) had the highest number of species. (2) Woody flowers could be enjoyed throughout the year in Chengdu, but mainly in spring and summer, accounting for 87.80% of the total number of woody ornamental flower plants. (3) The flowering period of woody ornamental plants ranged from seven days to more than half a year, with majority blooming for 30-60 days representing about 55.28% of total species. (4) The woody ornamental plants were rich in flower colors, including red, yellow, green, white, purple, blue, with whites (42.28%) and reds (31.71%) as the main clours. (5) Among these flowering woody ornamental plants, there were 98 species with pleasant fragrance, accounting for 79.67% of all flowering woody ornamental plants in Chengdu. Based on the ornamental characteristics of woody ornamental plants in the urban area of Chengdu, the development and utilization of wild resources can be further increased, which can increase the diversity of urban forests, promote the stability of urban forest community structure and build near natural urban forests, while increasing urban landscape diversity and avoiding landscape homogenization.


