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CHEN Y, PANG T, QU X, et al. Effects of planting density on growth, soil physical and Chemical Properties and enzyme activity of Young Plantation of Phoebe zhennan[J/OL]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2024, 45[2024-03-25] doi: 10.12172/202402200001
Citation: CHEN Y, PANG T, QU X, et al. Effects of planting density on growth, soil physical and Chemical Properties and enzyme activity of Young Plantation of Phoebe zhennan[J/OL]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2024, 45[2024-03-25] doi: 10.12172/202402200001

Effects of planting density on growth, soil physical and Chemical Properties and enzyme activity of Young Plantation of Phoebe zhennan

doi: 10.12172/202402200001
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  • Corresponding author: 15398954@qq.com
  • Received Date: 2024-02-20
    Available Online: 2024-03-25
  • This study explores the effects of afforestation density on the early growth of Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests, as well as on the physicochemical properties and enzyme activity of the soil, providing a theoretical basis for maintaining soil fertility and sustainable management of Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests. A 6-year-old Phoebe zhennan artificial forest with three different afforestation densities (D1: 667 trees/hm2, D2: 833 trees/hm2, and D3: 1111 trees/hm2) was selected as the research object. Growth characteristics such as tree height and diameter at breast height were investigated, and soil physicochemical properties and enzyme activity in different soil layers (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm) were measured. The early responses of tree growth, soil physicochemical properties, and enzyme activity in Phoebe zhennan artificial forests to afforestation density were analyzed. The results showed that: With the increase in afforestation density, the average diameter at breast height, wood volume, and crown projection area of Phoebe zhennan artificial forests gradually decreased. The D1 density stand was significantly higher than the D2 and D3 density stands, indicating that relatively low afforestation density is more conducive to the accumulation of wood volume in Phoebe zhennan artificial forests. The afforestation density has a significant effect on soil nitrate nitrogen (P˂0.01), while both afforestation density and soil depth have significant effects on soil pH and total nitrogen (P˂0.01). The soil of Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests was weakly alkaline, and with the increase in stand density, soil pH and moisture content showed a decreasing trend, while soil organic carbon content showed a gradually increasing trend. With the increase in soil depth, soil total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and total phosphorus content gradually decreased, indicating a significant "surface aggregation" phenomenon in the soil of Phoebe zhennan artificial forests. In the same soil layer, the urease and sucrase activities of D1 density Phoebe zhennan artificial forests were the strongest, and sucrase activity decreased with the increase in afforestation density. Comprehensive analysis of density effects on tree growth and soil quality showed that the comprehensive indexes of tree growth and soil quality in D1 and D2 density stands were the largest, reaching 0.61 and 0.56 respectively, indicating that relatively low afforestation density plays a certain role in improving tree growth and soil quality. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the density of 6-year-old Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests not higher than 833 trees/hm2, which is more conducive to improving soil quality and promoting tree growth.
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Effects of planting density on growth, soil physical and Chemical Properties and enzyme activity of Young Plantation of Phoebe zhennan

doi: 10.12172/202402200001
  • 1. Sichuan Academy of Forestry, Ecological Restoration and Conservation on Forest and Wetland Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610081, China
  • 2. Forestry Station of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, 614801, China
  • 3. Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering on the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River & National Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecological Safety on the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River & Rainy Area of West China Plantation Ecosystem Permanent Scientific Research Base, Institute of Ecology & Forestry, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
  • Corresponding author: 15398954@qq.com

Abstract: This study explores the effects of afforestation density on the early growth of Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests, as well as on the physicochemical properties and enzyme activity of the soil, providing a theoretical basis for maintaining soil fertility and sustainable management of Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests. A 6-year-old Phoebe zhennan artificial forest with three different afforestation densities (D1: 667 trees/hm2, D2: 833 trees/hm2, and D3: 1111 trees/hm2) was selected as the research object. Growth characteristics such as tree height and diameter at breast height were investigated, and soil physicochemical properties and enzyme activity in different soil layers (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm) were measured. The early responses of tree growth, soil physicochemical properties, and enzyme activity in Phoebe zhennan artificial forests to afforestation density were analyzed. The results showed that: With the increase in afforestation density, the average diameter at breast height, wood volume, and crown projection area of Phoebe zhennan artificial forests gradually decreased. The D1 density stand was significantly higher than the D2 and D3 density stands, indicating that relatively low afforestation density is more conducive to the accumulation of wood volume in Phoebe zhennan artificial forests. The afforestation density has a significant effect on soil nitrate nitrogen (P˂0.01), while both afforestation density and soil depth have significant effects on soil pH and total nitrogen (P˂0.01). The soil of Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests was weakly alkaline, and with the increase in stand density, soil pH and moisture content showed a decreasing trend, while soil organic carbon content showed a gradually increasing trend. With the increase in soil depth, soil total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and total phosphorus content gradually decreased, indicating a significant "surface aggregation" phenomenon in the soil of Phoebe zhennan artificial forests. In the same soil layer, the urease and sucrase activities of D1 density Phoebe zhennan artificial forests were the strongest, and sucrase activity decreased with the increase in afforestation density. Comprehensive analysis of density effects on tree growth and soil quality showed that the comprehensive indexes of tree growth and soil quality in D1 and D2 density stands were the largest, reaching 0.61 and 0.56 respectively, indicating that relatively low afforestation density plays a certain role in improving tree growth and soil quality. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the density of 6-year-old Phoebe zhen nan artificial forests not higher than 833 trees/hm2, which is more conducive to improving soil quality and promoting tree growth.

  • 造林密度是人工林经营中重要的可控因子之一,它不仅直接影响林分生长,还是影响森林生态系统功能和土壤性质的关键因子[1,2]。已有研究表明,不同树种、林龄以及立地条件的人工林土壤养分受林分密度的影响有显著的差异[3]。但整体而言,中、低密度林分更有利于人工林地力维持[5-6]。例如,巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)人工林土壤表层有机碳含量随着林分密度的增加而增加,而火炬松(Pinus taeda)人工林土壤有机碳含量随林分密度的增加而降低[7]。Nan[10]等系统研究了樟子松林龄和密度对土壤水分的影响规律,发现苗期(4 a)阶段土壤水分变化的密度效应不明显,幼林至成熟林阶段(6a~30a)土壤水分受到林分密度的显著影响,土壤含水率随林分密度的增加而降低。四川省37a生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林土壤有机碳和全氮含量随密度增大呈先增后减的变化模式,最佳经营密度分别为3333株/hm2和1550株/hm2;江西省38a生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林土壤理化性质随初植密度的增大呈“驼峰模式”的变化趋势,最适营林密度为3333株/hm2和6667株/hm2[5,8,9]。土壤养分离不开酶的参与,土壤酶主要来源于土壤微生物、动植物残骸,是土壤中生物活动的产物[11]。土壤酶不但是生态系统的催化剂,还为土壤有机体提供代谢驱动力,在土壤物质循环和能量转化的过程有着非常重要的作用[12]。在人工林生态系统中,一般研究认为林分密度通过影响林分结构的变化,引起林下凋落物、植被根系分泌物、土壤理化性质(土壤水分、有机碳含量、pH等)和林分微气候的变化,形成土壤微生物种类和组成的差异,进而影响土壤酶活性[13,14]。土壤养分深刻的影响着林木生长和林分生产力[15,16]。已有大量研究表明,林分密度对林木的胸径、蓄积、枝下高、冠幅等生长量有显著影响[17,18]。并且还有研究发现,林分密度、树木特征和物种相互作用等林分结构,决定了林分中物种多样性和生产力之间的关系[20-22]。因此,研究造林密度对土壤理化性质和林分生长的影响,对提高人工林生产力具有重要意义。

    楠木(Phoebe zhen nan)是我国特有的珍贵用材树种,其木材坚硬,纹理美观,木材富含芳香物质,经济价值高,是“金丝楠木”的主要来源树种之一,为建筑、高档家具和工艺品等的绝佳材料[23]。由于楠木的过度开发,导致天然林种群急剧减少,因此被列为中国国家二级保护植物 [24]。现阶段,我国在松、杉、杨、桉等速生用材人工林培育技术方面接近国际先进水平,而珍贵用材资源培育技术则相对落后。楠木作为四川特有的珍贵用材树种,长期以来缺乏对其人工林高效培育的相关研究,这严重制约了楠木人工林的发展。周宗瑞等于1990年就通过楠木人工林栽培试验提出混交和高效经营措施可以提高楠木人工林的生长[25],但到目前为止,仅龙汉利等根据四川省现存楠木资源的生长情况,提出保留密度400~450株/hm2最有利于楠木人工林生长[26],其他楠木人工林密度调控的相关研究还未见报道。鉴于此,以不同造林密度6a生楠木人工林为研究对象,调查并测定树木生长情况、土壤理化性质和酶活性,分析造林密度对楠木生长、土壤理化性质和酶活性的影响,探讨楠木人工林培育早期合理的栽植密度,为楠木人工林高效培育和可持续经营提供理论依据。

    • 研究区位于四川省乐至县,地处川中丘陵区,属亚热带季风气候。气候特点为四季分明、雨量充沛但分布不均,夏占全年降雨量的半数,易冬干、春旱,且云雾多、日照少,常年日均气温16.7℃,年均日照1330 h,年均降水量900 mm。研究地点位于乐至县国家林业科技示范园区(105°3′25″E,30°13′58″N),土壤类型为黄褐土。2015年,通过对乐至县国家科技示范园区的实地调查,选择地貌、海拔、土壤类型、母岩、坡度、坡位等立地条件基本相似地为试验田,选择3a生苗造林,共设置3种造林密度处理:D1(667株/hm2)、D2(833株/hm2)和D3(1111株/hm2),每个造林密度处理设置3个400 m2(20 m×20 m)样地[27]。每个造林密度处造林后前3年进行修枝、除草、施肥等常规抚育措施,3年后基本无人为干扰。样地基本概况见表1

      Planting density plants/hm2
      Plant spacing(m×m)
      Survival rate/%
      Canopy closure
      Elevation /m
      Aspect & Slope
      D111113×31000.65445S 8°
      D28333×41000.54435S 9°
      D36673×51000.49438S 8°

      Table 1.  Basic overview of the experimental site

      Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the study area

    • 2018年10月,去除表层灌草和枯落物后,用直径为5 cm的土钻,采用S形取样法采集土壤样品[9]。分别按0~10 cm、10~20 cm和20~30cm分层取样,同一层次土壤混合均匀,去除根系和石块等杂物后,装入聚乙烯自封袋,并迅速存放于4 ℃的冰盒中带回实验室。一部分过筛(20目,0.85 mm)用于测定土壤水溶性化学成分和土壤酶活性,另一部分放入布袋,风干、研磨、过筛(100目,0.15 mm)后进行土壤化学性质分析。

    • 测定树木生长和形态指标[29],分别为树高(Height/m)、胸径(Diameter at breast/cm)、冠幅(Canopy height/cm)、材积(Volume/m3${{\mathrm{V}} =} \text{0.00005611664}\text{}{\text{DBH}}^{\text{1.802483}}{\text{}\text{H}}^{\text{1.082741}} $ )、枝下高(High crown base/m)、树冠投影面积(Canopy projection area/m2$ CPA=\pi *\dfrac{Pmax}{2}*\dfrac{Pmin}{2} $)、树干倾斜度(Trunk slope/°)、树冠偏心率(Canopy eccentricity)、树冠不对称性(Canopy asymmetry:$ \mathrm{C}\mathrm{A}=\mathrm{P}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}/\mathrm{P}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n} $)。

    • 电位法测土壤pH值(水土比5∶1),烘干法测定土壤含水率,重铬酸钾容量法(稀释热法)测土壤有机碳含量,半微量凯氏定氮仪法测土壤全氮含量,靛酚蓝比色法测定土壤铵态氮含量,联氨铜还原比色法测定测定土壤硝态氮含量,钼锑抗比色法测定土壤全磷含量,碳酸氢钠浸提法测定土壤速效磷含量[30]。3,5二硝基水杨酸比色法测定土壤蔗糖酶活性,靛酚蓝比色法测定土壤脲酶活性[30]。土壤磷酸酶活性的测定采用陈子豪等[31]酶标板法测定。

    • 采用R语言对树木生长指标、土壤理化性质、土壤养分含量及土壤酶活性等数据进行Shapiro-Wilk检验与LSD检验。检验所有数据符合正态分布和方差齐性后,采用SPSS 27.0软件进行以上数据的单因素方差分析、双因素方差分析和多重比较分析(α=0.05),并对土壤理化性质、土壤酶活性进行性状间Pearson相关性分析。

    • 利用Z-score标准法对树高(X1)、胸径(X2)、冠幅(X3)、材积(X4)、枝下高(X5)、树冠投影面积(X6)、树干倾斜度(X7)、树冠偏心率(X8)、树冠不对称性(X9)进行数据标准化处理;利用Z-score标准法对土壤含水率(X1)、pH值(X2)、有机碳含量(X4)、全氮含量(X5)、硝态氮含量(X6)、铵态氮含量(X7)、全磷含量(X8)、速效磷含量(X9)、磷酸酶含量(X10)、脲酶活性(X11)、蔗糖酶活性(X12)进行数据标准化处理。采用SPSS 27.0软件进行9项树木生长、11项土壤质量指标标准化数据的主成分分析,计算各因子的贡献率和累积贡献率。以公因子旋转得到载荷矩阵核算树木生长指标、土壤质量指标的公因子方差。将各指标公因子方差占总公因子方差的比例作为权重,在评价指标因子隶属度和权重确定的基础上,运用加权综合法和模糊数学中的加乘法则,计算不同密度楠木树木生长、土壤质量综合指数,计算公式如下:

      其中 F(Xi):隶属度,Wi:每个指标的权重。

    2.   结果
    • 多重比较结果显示(图2),D1(667株/hm2)密度楠木人工林平均胸径、材积和树冠投影面积显著高于D2(833株/hm2)和D3(1111株/hm2)密度林分;D1(667株/hm2)密度楠木人工林树高显著低于D2(833株/hm2)和D3(1111株/hm2)密度林分,D2密度楠木人工林树冠投影面积显著高于D3密度;D1、D3密度楠木人工林枝下高显著高于D2密度。造林密度对楠木人工林的冠层高、树冠倾斜度、树冠偏心率和树冠对称性等树冠形态无显著影响。

      Figure 2.  Effects of different afforestation densities on tree growth and tree shape in Phoebe zhennan plantations

    • 方差分析结果显示(见表2),造林密度对土壤pH值均有极显著影响(P˂0.01),土层深度及其与造林密度的交互作用对土壤pH值有显著影响(P˂0.05)。不同密度楠木人工林土壤pH值在7.00~8.18之间,平均分为7.88,多重比较分析显示(见图3),同一土层,随着林分密度增加,pH值呈降低趋势,随土层深度的增加,D3密度林分土壤pH呈升高趋势,而D1和D2密度林分无明显变化。

      Planting density
      Planting density× Layer
      含水率Moisture content3.4170.0920.8730.4590.4820.750
      有机碳Soil organic carbon1.8520.2260.9980.4160.6460.647
      硝态氮Nitrate nitrogen20.2890.001**0.0920.9140.4520.769
      铵态氮Ammonium nitrogen1.2520.3430.2060.8180.0230.999
      全氮Total nitrogen3.0430.1123.2040.1036.0710.020*
      速效磷Available phosphorus1.1730.3640.7130.5231.3430.343
      全磷Total phosphorus2.3820.1630.9030.4481.0220.458
        注:*表示P≤0.05,**表示P≤0.01。Note: * indicate P≤0.05, ** indicate P≤0.01.

      Table 2.  Two-way ANOVA of soil physicochemical properties and enzymes

      Figure 3.  Soil pH, water content and organic carbon content in different soil layers with different stand densities

      方差分析结果显示(见表2),造林密度、土层深度及其交互作用对土壤含水率和有机碳含量则均无显著影响。不同密度楠木人工林土壤含水率和有机碳分别在18%~35%、10.85~12.83 g/kg之间,平均分别为27.4%、11.78 g/kg,多重比较分析显示(见图3),土壤含水率和有机碳含量有一定差异,总体表现为在同一土层,随着造林密度的增加,土壤含水率逐渐降低,有机碳含量则呈逐渐升高。

    • 方差分析结果显示(见表2),造林密度对土壤硝态氮含量有极显著影响(P˂0.01);造林密度和土层深度交互作用对全氮含量有显著影响(P˂0.05);造林密度和土层深度及其交互作用对土壤铵态氮含量均无显著影响。

      多重比较分析显示(见图4),土壤硝态氮含量差异显著,表现为同一土层,D2密度林分土壤硝态氮含量(11.32 mg/kg、8.48 mg/kg、5.59 mg/kg)显著高于其它密度林分,D2和D3密度林分土壤硝态氮含量随着土层深度增加而降低;土壤铵态氮含量差异也较为显著,表现为相同密度林分内,土壤铵态氮含量随着土层深度的增加而降低,0~20 cm土层,D3密度林分土壤铵态氮含量是D1密度的1.63倍(0~10 cm)、3.26倍(10~20 cm),D1密度的2.50倍(0~20 cm)、2.70倍(0~10 cm);土壤全氮含量相同具有一定差异,主要表现为相同密度林分内,全氮含量随着土层深度的增加而降低。

      Figure 4.  Soil nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and total nitrogen contents in different soil layers with different stand densities

    • 方差分析结果显示(见表2),造林密度与土层深度及其交互作用均对土壤速效磷、全磷含量均无显著影响。

      多重分析结果显示(见图5),同一土层,土壤速效磷含量随造林密度的增加逐渐降低,D1密度林分土壤速效磷含量较D2和D3分别高出13.42%(10~20 cm)、52.21%(20~30 cm)和24.87%(10~20 cm)、47.90%(20~30 cm);同一土层,楠木人工林土壤全磷含量随着造林密度的增加呈降低趋势,D1、D2密度林分土壤全磷含量较D3分别高出23.93%、23.04%(10~20 cm)和57.64%、50.09%(20~30 cm)。相同密度林分内,土壤速效磷及全磷含量随着土层深度的增加而降低。

      Figure 5.  Contents of soil available phosphorus and total phosphorus in different soil layers with different stand densities

    • 方差分析结果显示(见表2),仅造林密度对脲酶活性有显著影响(P˂0.05),造林密度与土层深度及其交互作用对其他酶活性影响均不显著。

      多重分析结果显示(见图6),楠木人工林土壤磷酸酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶活性分别在0.60~1.48 umol·h−1·Gdom−1、0.67~1.31 mg/kg和0.19~0.51 mg/kg之间。0~10 cm土层,D2密度林分土壤磷酸酶活性最高,为1.48 umol·h−1·Gdom−1,显著高于D3密度林分。同一土层,D1密度林分土壤脲酶活性均最高,分别为1.17 mg/kg(0~10 cm)、0.95 mg/kg(10~20 cm)和1.31 mg/kg(20~30 cm)。同一土层,蔗糖酶活性随着造林密度的增加而降低。相同密度林分内,土壤蔗糖酶活性随土壤的加深降低。

      Figure 6.  Soil phosphatase, urease and sucrase activities at different afforestation densities

    • 土壤理化性质和酶活性间相关分析结果表明(见图7),土壤含水率与pH、磷酸酶活性,全磷与含水率,全氮与全磷、速效磷、蔗糖酶活性,硝态氮与铵态氮,全磷与速效磷,速效磷与蔗糖酶活性,脲酶活性与蔗糖酶活性间呈显著正相关关系。土壤pH与有机碳、硝态氮、铵态氮,含水率与铵态氮,有机碳与速效磷、全磷、全氮,硝态氮与脲酶活性,全磷与脲酶活性间呈显著负相关关系。

      Figure 7.  Correlation analysis of soil nutrients under Phoebe zhennan plantations

    • 不同造林密度的楠木人工林9个树木生长指标的主成分分析结果显示(见表3),前4个主成分的特征值均大于1,其方差贡献率分别为35.617%(第1主成分)、20.340%(第2主成分)、15.090%(第3主成分)、13.124%(第4主成分),4个主成分累计贡献率为84.171%,这表明这4个主成分能够反映9个树木生长指标的绝大部分信息,可以将这4个主成分代表这9个树木生长指标,以筛选最适合楠木人工林生长的造林密度。各主成分特征值显示,树高、树干倾斜度在第1主成分发挥重要作用,胸径、树冠偏心率在第2主成分发挥重要作用,冠幅、枝下高在第3主成分发挥重要作用,材积在第4主成分发挥重要作用。根据综合评价方法计算的综合评价得分结果显示(表4),随着造林密度的增大,树木生长指标综合指数逐渐降低,表现为D1:667株/hm2(0.610)>D2:833株/hm2(0.584)> D3:1111株/hm2(0.578)。

      指标Index主成分分析Principal component公因子方差σ2 of common factor权重Weight
      胸径Diameter at breast0.3290.8680.0110.1630.8880.120
      冠幅Canopy height0.0200.0310.960-0.0170.9230.118
      枝下高High crown base0.0290.0220.9600.0060.9230.117
      树冠投影面积Canopy projection area0.5610.7750.0150.1690.9450.135
      树干倾斜度Trunk slope0.9740.1320.026-0.1350.9850.117
      树冠偏心率Canopy eccentricity-0.0260.8020.046-0.2690.7180.096
      树冠不对称性Canopy asymmetry0.175-0.338-0.0250.5730.4740.089
      主成分累计贡献率Cumulative proportion(%)35.61755.95771.04784.171

      Table 3.  Loading matrices, common factor variances and weights of the first four principal components of nine tree growth indicators

      编号Number平均得分The average score

      Table 4.  Comprehensive evaluation of tree growth indicators with different densities

    • 不同造林密度楠木人工林11个土壤指标主成分分析结果显示(见表5),前4个主成分的特征值均大于1,其方差贡献率分别为32.416%(第1主成分)、21.706%(第2主成分)、17.716%(第3主成分)、11.687%(第4主成分),4个主成分累计贡献率为83.524%,表明这4个主成分能够反映这11个土壤指标的绝大部分信息,可以将这4个主成分代表11个土壤指标,以分析不同造林密度楠木人工林土壤特性。各主成分特征值显示,pH、磷酸酶在第1主成分发挥重要作用,脲酶、蔗糖酶在第2主成分发挥重要作用,全磷、速效磷在第3主成分发挥重要作用,全氮、硝态氮在第4主成分发挥重要作用。根据综合评价方法计算的综合评价得分结果显示(见表6),各密度楠木人工林土壤质量综合指数随着造林密度增大,土壤质量随密度呈先增大后降低趋势,表现为D2:833株/hm2(056)>D1:667株/hm2(0.52)> D3:1111株/hm2(0.50),即楠木人工林在833株/hm2土壤质量最优。在相同林分密度内,0~10cm土层土壤质量最优,这一现象可能与土壤养分的“表聚”现象有关。

      指标Index主成分分析Principal component公因子方差σ2 of common factor权重Weight
      含水率Moisture content0.513-0.084-0.5210.2450.6020.087
      有机碳Soil organic carbon-0.5190.733-0.096-0.2810.8950.106
      全氮Total nitrogen0.0810.144-0.1100.8910.8320.076
      硝态氮Nitrate nitrogen-0.1430.355-0.385-0.8070.9450.107
      铵态氮Ammonium nitrogen-0.6320.4240.432-0.1460.7890.106
      全磷Total phosphorus0.091-0.0500.880-0.0350.7860.067
      速效磷Available phosphorus-0.1650.2150.8230.4050.9140.102
      主成分累计贡献率Cumulative proportion(%)32.41654.12271.83883.524

      Table 5.  Loading matrices, common factor variances and weights of the first four principal components of eleven soil indicators

      Planting density/hm2
      Soil physical and chemical properties
      Soil enzyme activity
      The average score

      Table 6.  Comprehensive evaluation of soil indicators with different densities

    3.   讨论
    • 在人工林经营管理中,林分密度是影响树木对生长空间、光照和地下资源竞争的重要因素 [32,33]。林分密度的增加会加剧林分内个体间的竞争强度,造成树冠径向生长发育所需要的空间资源减少,从而改变树冠形态,降低林下光照、土壤资源的平均占有量和利用能力,制约树木地上和地下部分的生长[34-36]。D1密度林分的楠木人工林中树高显著低于D2和D3密度林分,而D1密度林分内树木的胸径、材积和树冠投影面积均显著高于D2和D3密度林分。这与楚秀丽[37]等对不同生境、初植密度及树龄木荷人工林生长、材性变异及林分分化的研究结果一致,相对较高的造林密度有利于树高生长,相对较低的造林密度促进胸径的发育。其原因可能是,较高密度林分内树木单株间对光照、水分及养分的竞争较大,冠幅和胸径生长受到临近植株的限制,为竞争获得更多的光照而不断向上生长[38]。童书振等[39]对杉木人工林造林密度对林分内植株分化程度、枝下高和高径比影响的研究中也得到类似的结论。

      林分密度是人工林经营的一项重要措施,林分密度对土壤理化性质有显著影响[40],研究结果显示,造林密度与土层深度对楠木人工林土壤pH有显著影响。土壤pH直接决定了植物根系的生长环境,并且土壤pH通过影响酶活性进而影响植物对土壤养分的吸收[41]。不过研究结果显示土壤pH值与楠木人工林土壤磷酸酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶活性之间均不相关,研究结果与Baena[43]等和赵汝东[44]等的研究结果相似,其原因可能与立地条件、树种以及采样季节不同有关,如华北地区不同密度油松林土壤pH值的研究显示,土壤pH值可以提高油松林土壤多酚氧化酶活性,但与土壤β- 葡萄糖苷酶、亮氨酸氨基肽酶、几丁质酶、酸性磷酸酶和脱氢酶活性之间不相关[42]。土壤含水率则是表征土壤水分状况的指标,影响着植物根系的生长环境[41]。研究显示,同一土层,楠木人工林土壤含水率随着造林密度的增大而减小,这与Nan[10]等关于樟子松的研究结果一致,其原因可能为高密度林分内植株数较多,对水分的需求量较大,并且楠木人工林与水因子关系密切,楠木喜湿,对水分要求很高,土壤水分是楠木生长的主要限制因子,自然含水量高有利于楠木的生长[26]。森林土壤有机碳的主要来源于植物枯落物分解[45],研究显示,造林密度对楠木人工林土壤有机碳含量有显著影响,高密度林分土壤有机碳含量高于其它两个林分密度。可能是高密度林分产生的枯落物较多,腐殖质分解为有机碳,从而导致高密度有机碳含量较高。

      3种密度楠木人工林土壤表层(0~10 cm)全磷、全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮含量均最高,表明楠木人工林土壤养分具有明显得“表聚”现象,这与已有研究证实的土壤表层全氮含量较高的结论相一致[46]。铵态氮是土壤中分子态氮和离子态氮在一定条件下动态平衡形成的结果,其含量能较好地反映近期内土壤氮素的供应状况[47]。脲酶能够促进土壤中酰胺肽键得水解而生成植物根系可吸收利用的氮[11],研究结果发现D1密度林分中土壤脲酶活性高于其它两个密度林分,而D3密度林分土壤铵态氮含量高于D1和D2密度林分,表明相对较高的造林密度对土壤氮素的调控可能有促进作用[48]。其原因可能是低密度下,植物光合作用增强,微生物活性提高,导致脲酶活性增强[46],更多的铵态氮被植物根系所吸收。研究结果还显示,同一土层,D1密度林分土壤硝态氮含量明显低于较其它两个密度林分,其原因可能是该密度条件下,低密度土壤含水率较高、氧气含量低,厌氧环境下的反硝化作用增强造成了硝态氮含量降低[46]。土壤全磷含量反映了土壤潜在的供磷能力,土壤速效磷含量则反映了土壤直接供磷能力[5],研究显示楠木人工林土壤全磷、速效磷含量均呈随造林密度和土层深度的增加而降低的总体趋势。其原因可能是因为相对较低的密度林分林下植被丰富,土壤磷酸酶活性较强,土壤磷酸酶可以促进有机磷化合物的水解,加速磷素循环[16],因此加速了土壤有效磷的分解,增强了土壤中磷的有效性[42],使得其土壤磷含量较高,磷素循环较快,促进磷素化合物水解成植物易于吸收的速效磷[11]

    4.   结论
    • 根据对3种不同造林密度的6a生楠木人工林生长状况、土壤理化性质和酶活性的差异分析,通过计算综合评价得分,发现最适合楠木人工林树木生长的造林密度为667株/hm2,该密度下,楠木平均胸径、平均冠幅、平均材积均最高;以土壤综合质量指标衡量时,楠木人工林833株/hm2 的密度经营效果较好,有利于土壤硝态氮、全氮的积累以及提高磷酸酶活性。综合分析,6年生时,楠木人工林保留密度应不高于833株/hm2,同时,对密度偏高的楠木人工林应该进行适当间伐,以利于人工林长期土壤养分维持和可持续经营。

Reference (48)



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