Volume 43 Issue 6
Dec.  2022
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FANG C, YANG Q Q, CAI J, et al. Bird diversity in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya’an city, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(6): 63−73 doi: 10.12172/202201140001
Citation: FANG C, YANG Q Q, CAI J, et al. Bird diversity in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya’an city, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(6): 63−73 doi: 10.12172/202201140001

Bird Diversity in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya’an City, Sichuan Province

doi: 10.12172/202201140001
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  • From June 2020 to June 2021, the bird diversity of Qingyi Lake provincial wetland park in Ya'an city was investigated by using sample line method and sample point method. Based on 6 field investigations, a total of 98 species of birds belonging to 40 families and 14 orders were recorded. Among them, there were 8 species of national class II key protected birds, 9 species of Sichuan provincial key protected species. There were three species were endemic to China, three species were on the IUCN Red List of endangered species (1 vulnerable and 2 near threatened species), and seven species were listed in Appendix Ⅱ of CITES. Residence type analysis indicated that resident birds and summer migrants were the main species (80.61%). Fauna analysis indicated that, among the breeding birds, 50 species (51.02%) were from Oriental Realm, 21 species (21.43%) were from Palearctic Realm and 27 species (27.55%) were widespread species. The species richness was the highest in summer, the Shannon-Wiener index was the highest in winter, while the species richness and Shannon-Wiener index were the lowest in autumn, and the similarity among different seasons was high (Cj=0.212~0.345). Broad-leaved forest had the highest species richness and Shannon-Wiener index among different habitats, the species richness of coastal wetland habitat was the lowest, while the Shannon-Wiener index of residential habitat was the lowest. Except for aquatic habitats, the similarity of the other five habitats was high (Cj =0.114~0.268). On the whole, the wetland park was rich in bird resources, which had important ecological monitoring and protection value. It is recommended to carry out regular bird monitoring, strengthen the monitoring and protection of wetland park waters and strengthen the publicity and education of bird protection and law enforcement.
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Bird Diversity in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya’an City, Sichuan Province

doi: 10.12172/202201140001
  • 1. Chengdu Leique Eco-Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610042, China
  • 2. Ya’an Forestry Bureau, Ya'an 625015, China
  • 3. Forestry Bureau of Mingshan District, Ya'an 625199, China
  • 4. Sichuan Liziping National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau, Shimian 625400, China
  • 5. Chengdu Bird Watching Society, Chengdu 610095, China
  • 6. Chengdu Zhuzhijingran Planning and Design Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610066, China
  • 7. Sichuan Academy of Giant Panda Science, Chengdu 610057, China
  • Corresponding author: yangzhisong@126.com shengqiang322@qq.com

Abstract: From June 2020 to June 2021, the bird diversity of Qingyi Lake provincial wetland park in Ya'an city was investigated by using sample line method and sample point method. Based on 6 field investigations, a total of 98 species of birds belonging to 40 families and 14 orders were recorded. Among them, there were 8 species of national class II key protected birds, 9 species of Sichuan provincial key protected species. There were three species were endemic to China, three species were on the IUCN Red List of endangered species (1 vulnerable and 2 near threatened species), and seven species were listed in Appendix Ⅱ of CITES. Residence type analysis indicated that resident birds and summer migrants were the main species (80.61%). Fauna analysis indicated that, among the breeding birds, 50 species (51.02%) were from Oriental Realm, 21 species (21.43%) were from Palearctic Realm and 27 species (27.55%) were widespread species. The species richness was the highest in summer, the Shannon-Wiener index was the highest in winter, while the species richness and Shannon-Wiener index were the lowest in autumn, and the similarity among different seasons was high (Cj=0.212~0.345). Broad-leaved forest had the highest species richness and Shannon-Wiener index among different habitats, the species richness of coastal wetland habitat was the lowest, while the Shannon-Wiener index of residential habitat was the lowest. Except for aquatic habitats, the similarity of the other five habitats was high (Cj =0.114~0.268). On the whole, the wetland park was rich in bird resources, which had important ecological monitoring and protection value. It is recommended to carry out regular bird monitoring, strengthen the monitoring and protection of wetland park waters and strengthen the publicity and education of bird protection and law enforcement.

  • 生物多样性是生态系统维持其功能和过程的必要保证,同时也是人类赖以生存和持续发展的物质基础[1-3]。湿地作为典型的生态系统之一,在涵养水源、净化水质、调节气候、维持生态系统平衡、提供重要的湿地栖息环境、支撑多样的生物种类等方面发挥了重要作用[4-6]。鸟类作为湿地生态系统中最活跃和重要的组成部分[7],开展湿地鸟类物种的监测研究对于湿地生物多样性、湿地生态环境质量、湿地生态系统等方面的监测与评价具有重要意义[8]


    • 清漪湖省级湿地公园位于雅安市名山区境内,距离雅安市主城区13 km,地理位置介于E 103°8′43.998′′~103°9′36.796′′、N 30°7′50.768′′~30°8′31.312′′之间,总面积82.62 hm2,其中湿地面积50.17 hm2。行政区域涉及名山区新店镇、万古乡2个乡镇的高山坡村、红光村、钟滩村3个行政村。湿地公园原名红光水库,于2015年经雅安市人民政府正式批准成立为省级湿地公园,是一座以茶文化传承为特色,以库塘、森林和农耕地为基础的集湿地生态保护、科普宣教与休闲游憩等生态服务功能于一体的综合性库塘湿地。

      该湿地公园地处内陆亚热带湿润气候区,气候温和,降雨丰富,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,无霜期长,四季宜耕;年均气温15.5℃,>10℃的积温为4790.3 h,全年阴天寡照,空气湿润,年均阴天277 d,占全年三分之二,为全国低日照区之一;年均相对湿度82%,为全国高湿区之一(内部资料)。

    • 2020年6月~2021年6月,采用样线法和样点法在清漪湖省级湿地公园开展了六次野外调查工作(2月/次)。由于湿地公园面积较小(仅82.62 hm2)且中心大部分面积被水域覆盖,因此本次调查在样线设计上采用环绕一周监测,样线调查长度约5.5 km。在湿地公园四周视野较为开阔的区域设置4个调查样点(样点A~样点D)并保证样点之间保持几乎等效间距。

      调查期间,每次调查人员3~4人,开展2~3 d。考虑到鸟类的活动习性,调查时段主要在日出后 3 h 和日落前 3 h 开展,避免在大雨、大雾等恶劣天气进行。样线调查行进速度控制在1~2 km·h−1,样点调查时每个样点停留15~20 min,采用直接计数法,记录样线两侧以及样点视野范围内能观察到的鸟类种类、个体数量、生境类型、经纬度、海拔以及人为干扰等信息。调查工具选用10×60倍的单筒望远镜和5×40倍的双筒望远镜进行观察记录,利用单反相机(机身:佳能5D,镜头:适马600)进行拍照记录。对于未能当场鉴别的鸟类,利用单反相机进行拍照记录,返回室内后借助鸟类图鉴资料以及相关专业人士进行鉴定。

    • 鸟类物种的识别鉴定主要参考《中国鸟类图鉴》[10]和《中国鸟类观察手册》[11];分类系统、居留型和特有种参考《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第三版)》[12];区系和分布型参考《中国动物地理》[13];保护级别参考《国家重点保护野生动物名录(2021年版)》(http://www.forestry.gov.cn)[14];濒危等级参考世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录[15]

    • (1)鸟类群落的优势度利用Berger-Parker优势度指数(I)进行计算[16-17]

      I = Ni / N,式中Ni为物种i的个体数,N为全部物种的个体总数。当I ≥ 0.05为优势种,当0.005 ≤ I < 0.05为常见种,当I<0.005时为少见种或偶见种。


      $ H=-\sum _{i=1}^{S}{P}_{i}\mathrm{ln}{P}_{i} $,式中S为总物种数,Pi为物种i的个体数与所有物种个体总数的比值,即Pi = Ni / NJ = H / HmaxHmax = InS。

      (3)鸟类群落的β多样性利用Jaccard相似性指数(Cj)来计算[17]$ {C}_{j}=(\mathrm{A}\cap \mathrm{B})/(\mathrm{A}\cup \mathrm{B}) $ ,式中,$ \mathrm{A}\cap \mathrm{B} $ 为两种类型下共有的物种数,$ \mathrm{A}\cup \mathrm{B} $ 为两种类型各自分布的鸟类物种数。


      Figure 1.  Location of the investigation transect lines and sample point distribution in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya'an city, Sichuan province

    2.   结果与分析
    • 本次调查共计记录到鸟类14目40科98种。其中,雀形目鸟类27科60种,占总物种数的61.22%;非雀形目鸟类13科38种,占总物种数的38.78%。从居留型来看,留鸟57种(58.16%),夏候鸟22种(22.45%),冬候鸟15种(15.31%),旅鸟4种(4.08%),留鸟和夏候鸟合计占比达80.61%,构成了湿地公园鸟类群落的主体。

    • 从区系来看,东洋界、古北界、广布种鸟类分别有50种(51.02%)、21种(21.43%)、27 种(27.55%)。分布型上可分为8种,按比例由高到低分别是东洋型(40种, 40.82%)、不易归类的分布型(14种, 14.29%)、古北型(13种, 13.27%)、南中国型(11种, 11.22%)、全北型(8种, 8.16%)、东北型(6种, 6.12%)、喜马拉雅—横断山区型(5种, 5.10%)、季风区型(1种, 1.02%)(见附表1)。

      Number of total species
      Number of dominant species
      Shannon-Wiener index
      Pielou 均匀度指数
      Pielou evenness index
      春季 Spring5353.4110.859
      夏季 Summer6153.3810.822
      秋季 Autumn2652.8700.881
      冬季 Winter5963.4440.845

      Table 1.  Diversity statistics of bird communities in different seasons in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya'an city, Sichuan Province

    • 本次调查未在湿地公园内记录到国家I级重点保护鸟类,但发现8种国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类,分别为黑颈䴙䴘(Podiceps nigricollis)、凤头蜂鹰(Pernis ptilorhynchus)、凤头鹰(Accipiter trivirgatus)、黑冠鹃隼(Aviceda leuphotes)、雀鹰(Accipiter nisus)、普通鵟(Buteo buteo)、画眉(Garrulax canorus)、红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrix lutea);四川省级重点保护鸟类有9种,分别为小䴙䴘(Tachybaptus ruficollis)、黑颈䴙䴘、凤头䴙䴘(Podiceps cristatus)、小白腰雨燕(Apus nipalensis)、大鹰鹃(Hierococcyx sparverioides)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)、中白鹭(Egretta intermedia)和绿鹭(Butorides striata);中国特有鸟类有3种:灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracicus)、黄腹山雀(Pardaliparus venustulus)和乌鸫(Turdus mandarinus);被IUCN濒危物种红色名录评估为易危(VU)的有1种:红头潜鸭(Aythya ferina),评估为近危(NT)的有2种:白眼潜鸭(Aythya nyroca)与小太平鸟(Bombycilla japonica)。被列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录Ⅱ的有7种:凤头蜂鹰、凤头鹰、黑冠鹃隼、雀鹰、普通鵟、画眉和红嘴相思鸟(见附表1)。

    • 本次调查记录到的98种鸟类物种中,优势种有3种,分别为:红头长尾山雀(Aegithalos concinnus)(I=0.074)、灰喉鸦雀(Paradoxornis alphonsianus)(I=0.061)、白颊噪鹛(Garrulax sannio)(I=0.055);常见种有38种,如棕头鸦雀(Paradoxornis webbianus)(I=0.047)、绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)(I=0.043)、麻雀(Passer montanus)(I=0.043)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)(I=0.041)、家燕(Hirundo rustica)(I=0.039)等;少见种或偶见种有57种,如灰眶雀鹛(Alcippe morrisonia)(I=0.004)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)(I=0.002)、凤头鹰(Accipiter trivirgatus)(I=0.001)、绿鹭(Butorides striata)(I=0.001)等(见附表1)。

      不同季节上,春季优势种有5种:骨顶鸡(Fulica atra)(I=0.059)、白鹭(Egretta garzetta)(I=0.065)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)(I=0.059)、白腰文鸟(Lonchura striata)(I=0.067)、棕头鸦雀(I=0.105);夏季优势种有5种:红头长尾山雀(I=0.109)、灰喉鸦雀(I=0.112)、白颊噪鹛(I=0.083)、家燕(I=0.081)、金腰燕(Cecropis daurica)(I=0.068);秋季优势种有5种:领雀嘴鹎(Spizixos semitorques)(I=0.078)、棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)(I=0.055)、麻雀(I=0.195)、白腰文鸟(I=0.102)、白颊噪鹛(I=0.063);冬季优势种有6种:凤头潜鸭(Aythya fuligula)(I=0.068)、赤膀鸭(Mareca strepera)(I=0.054)、绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)(I=0.088)、麻雀(I=0.053)、红头长尾山雀(I=0.099)、棕头鸦雀 (I=0.058)。

      不同生境中,水域生境优势种有8种:绿头鸭(I=0.245)、骨顶鸡(I=0.179)、凤头潜鸭(I=0.138)、赤膀鸭(I=0.110)、白眼潜鸭(I=0.072)、绿翅鸭(Anas crecca)(I=0.058)、凤头䴙䴘(I=0.058)、小䴙䴘(I=0.055);沿岸湿地生境优势种有6种:白鹭(I=0.400)、白鹡鸰(Motacilla alba)(I=0.171)、黑喉石䳭(Saxicola maurus)(I=0.125)、鹊鸲(Copsychus saularis)(I=0.068)、牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)(I=0.057)、小䴙䴘(I=0.054);农耕地生境优势种有7种:燕雀(Fringilla montifringilla)(I=0.114)、麻雀(I=0.108)、家燕(I=0.091)、白颊噪鹛(I=0.085)、白鹡鸰(I=0.080)、白腰文鸟(I=0.074)、领雀嘴鹎(I=0.057);居民区生境优势种有4种:家燕(I=0.335)、金腰燕(I=0.286)、红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythroryncha)(I=0.087)、白鹡鸰(I=0.068);灌丛生境优势种有5种:灰喉鸦雀(I=0.196)、棕头鸦雀(I=0.163)、白颊噪鹛(I=0.138)、白腰文鸟(I=0.101)、红头长尾山雀(I=0.091);阔叶林生境优势种有4种:红头长尾山雀(I=0.135)、白头鹎(I=0.092)、金翅雀(Carduelis sinica)(I=0.087)、领雀嘴鹎(I=0.055)。

    • 不同季节鸟类群落物种数的大小关系为夏季>冬季>春季>秋季,Shannon-Wiener指数为冬季>春季>夏季>秋季,Pielou 均匀度指数为秋季>春季>冬季>夏季(见表1)。Jaccard相似性指数分析发现,不同季节间的相似性均较高(Cj=0.212~0.345)。其中,春季和冬季之间的相似性最高(Cj=0.345),而秋季和冬季之间的相似性最低(Cj=0.212)(见表2)。

      季节 Season春季 Spring夏季 Summer秋季 Autumn冬季 Winter
      春季 Spring0.2960.2500.345
      夏季 Summer340.2760.242
      秋季 Autumn20240.212
      冬季 Winter392918
      Notes: The lower left corner is the number of species shared among different seasons, while the upper right corner is the Jaccard similarity index among different seasons.

      Table 2.  Jaccard similarity index of the bird communities in different seasons in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya'an city, Sichuan Province

    • 6种生境类型中,鸟类群落物种数的大小关系为阔叶林>农耕地>灌丛>居民区>水域>沿岸湿地,Shannon-Wiener指数为阔叶林>农耕地>灌丛>水域>沿岸湿地>居民区,Pielou 均匀度指数为农耕地>阔叶林>水域>沿岸湿地>灌丛>居民区(见表3)。Jaccard相似性指数分析发现,除了水域生境外,其余5种生境间的相似性均较高(Cj=0.114~0.268),其中,阔叶林和农耕地之间的相似性最高(Cj=0.268)。水域与其它生境间的相似性均较低(Cj=0~0.069)(见表4)。

      Number of total species
      Number of dominant species
      Shannon-Wiener index
      Pielou 均匀度指数
      Pielou evenness index
      水域Water area1582.2080.815
      沿岸湿地Coastal wetlands1462.0400.773
      阔叶林Broad-leaved forest6543.4280.821
      农耕地Farm land3272.9960.864
      居民区Residential area1641.9630.708

      Table 3.  Bird diversity indexin different habitats in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya'an city, Sichuan Province

      Water area
      Coastal wetlands
      Broad-leaved forest
      Farm land
      Residential area
      水域Water area0.06900.0130.0210
      沿岸湿地Coastal wetlands20.1560.1140.1740.133
      阔叶林Broad-leaved forest19250.2680.136
      农耕地Farm land1815260.188
      居民区Residential area048119
        Notes: The lower left corner is the number of species shared among different seasons, while the upper right corner is the Jaccard similarity index among different seasons.

      Table 4.  Jaccard similarity index of bird communities in different habitats in Qingyi Lake Provincial Wetland Park in Ya'an city, Sichuan Province

    3.   讨论
    • 本次清漪湖省级湿地公园鸟类调查结果共记录到14目40科98种,分别占四川省24目87科757种鸟类记录[18]的58.33%、45.98%、12.95%,研究表明该湿地公园虽面积较小(82.62 hm2),但依旧具有较高的鸟类多样性。调查记录到湿地公园有8种国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类,9种四川省级重点保护鸟类,3种中国特有鸟类,1种易危(VU)与2种近危(NT)鸟类,7种(CITES)附录Ⅱ鸟类,进一步说明该湿地公园的珍稀濒危鸟类资源同样较为丰富。







      一 鸡形目GALLIFORMES
      (一)雉科 Phasianidae
      1. 环颈雉 Phasianus colchicusLCWOR*
      2. 灰胸竹鸡 Bambusicola thoracicusLC+OSR*
      二 雁形目 ANSERIFORMES
      (二)鸭科 Anatidae
      3. 赤膀鸭 Mareca streperaLC
      4. 绿头鸭 Anas platyrhynchosLC
      5. 凤头潜鸭 Aythya fuligulaLCPUW**
      6. 红头潜鸭 Aythya ferinaVUPCW*
      7. 白眼潜鸭 Aythya nyrocaNTPOW**
      8. 斑嘴鸭 Anas poecilorhynchaLCPWW*
      9. 绿翅鸭 Anas creccaLCPCW**
      (三)䴙䴘科 Podicipedidae
      10. 小䴙䴘 Tachybaptus ruficollisLCWWR**
      11. 黑颈䴙䴘 Podiceps nigricollas川, ⅡLCPCW*
      12. 凤头䴙䴘 Podiceps cristatusLCPUW**
      (四)鸠鸽科 Columbidae
      13. 珠颈斑鸠 Spilopelia chinensisLCOWR**
      14. 山斑鸠 Streptopelia orientalisLCWER**
      (五)雨燕科 Apodidae
      15. 白腰雨燕 Apus pacificusLCWMS*
      16. 小白腰雨燕 Apus nipalensisLCPOS*
      六 鹃形目 CUCULIFORMES
      (六)杜鹃科 Cuculidae
      17. 大杜鹃 Cuculus canorusLCWOS*
      18. 大鹰鹃 Hierococcyx sparverioidesLCOWS*
      19. 噪鹃 Eudynamys scolopaceusLCOWS**
      七 鹤形目 GRUIFORMES
      (七)秧鸡科 Rallidae
      20. 白胸苦恶鸟 Amaurornis phoenicurusLCOWS*
      21. 骨顶鸡 Fulica atraLCPOW**
      22. 黑水鸡 Gallinula chloropusLCWOR*
      (八)鸥科 Laridae
      23. 普通燕鸥 Sterna hirundoLCPCS*
      九 鲣鸟目 SULIFORMES
      (九)鸬鹚科 Phalacrocoracidae
      24. 普通鸬鹚 Phalacrocorax carboLCWOW*
      (十)鹭科 Ardeidae
      25. 白鹭 Egretta garzettaLCOWR**
      26. 中白鹭 Egretta intermediaLCOWS*
      27. 池鹭 Ardeola bacchusLCWWR*
      28. 绿鹭 Butorides striataLCOOS*
      29. 牛背鹭 Bubulcus ibisLCOWR**
      30. 夜鹭 Nycticorax nycticoraxLCWOS*
      (十一)鹰科 Accipitridae
      31. 凤头蜂鹰 Pernis ptilorhynchusLC附录IIPWP*
      32. 凤头鹰 Accipiter trivirgatusLC附录IIOWR*
      33. 黑冠鹃隼 Aviceda leuphotesLC附录IIOWR*
      34. 雀鹰 Accipiter nisusLC附录IIWUR*
      35. 普通鵟 Buteo buteoLC附录IIPUP*
      十二 佛法僧目 CORACIIFORMES
      (十二)翠鸟科 Alcedinidae
      36. 普通翠鸟 Alcedo atthisLCWOR*
      十三 啄木鸟目PICIFORMES
      (十三)啄木鸟科 Picidae
      37. 灰头绿啄木鸟 Picus canusLCWUR*
      38. 斑姬啄木鸟 Picumnus innominatusLCOWR*
      十四 雀形目 PASSERIFORMES
      (十四)莺雀科 Vireonidae
      39. 红翅鵙鹛 Pteruthius aeralatusLCOWR*
      (十五)山椒鸟科 Campephagidae
      40. 小灰山椒鸟 Pericrocotus cantonensisLCOSS*
      (十六)卷尾科 Dicruridae
      41. 发冠卷尾 Dicrurus hottentottusLCOWS*
      42. 黑卷尾 Dicrurus macrocercusLCWWS*
      (十七)伯劳科 Laniidae
      43. 棕背伯劳 Lanius schachLCOWR**
      (十八)鸦科 Laniidae
      44. 红嘴蓝鹊 Urocissa erythrorynchaLCOWR**
      45. 松鸦 Garrulus glandariusLCWUR*
      46. 喜鹊 Pica picaLCWCR*
      (十九)玉鹟科 Stenostiridae
      47. 方尾鹟 Culicicapa ceylonensisLCOWS*
      (二十)山雀科 Paridae
      48. 大山雀 Parus cinereusNRWOR**
      49. 绿背山雀 Parus monticolusLCOWR*
      50. 黄腹山雀 Pardaliparus venustulusLC+OSR**
      (二十一)扇尾莺科 Cisticolidae
      51. 纯色山鹪莺 Prinia inornataLCOWR*
      (二十二)燕科 Hirundinidae
      52. 家燕 Hirundo rusticaLCWCS**
      53. 金腰燕 Cecropis dauricaLCWUS**
      54. 崖沙燕 Riparia ripariaLCPCS*
      (二十三)鹎科 Pycnonotidae
      55. 白头鹎 Pycnonotus sinensisLCOSR**
      56. 黑短脚鹎 Hypsipetes leucocephalusLCOWR*
      57. 黄臀鹎Pycnonotus xanthorrhousLCOWR**
      58. 领雀嘴鹎 Spizixos semitorquesLCOWR**
      (二十四)太平鸟科 Bombycillidae
      59. 小太平鸟 Bombycilla japonicaNTPMP*
      (二十五)柳莺科 Phylloscopidae
      60. 四川柳莺 Phylloscopus forrestiLCOHS*
      61. 灰喉柳莺 Phylloscopus maculipennisLCOHS**
      (二十六)树莺科 Cettiidae
      62. 强脚树莺 Horornis fortipesLCOWR**
      63. 棕脸鹟莺 Abroscopus albogularisLCOSR**
      (二十七)长尾山雀科 Aegithalidae
      64. 红头长尾山雀 Aegithalos concinnusLCOWR***
      (二十八)莺鹛科 Sylviidae
      65. 棕头鸦雀 Paradoxornis webbianusLCWSR**
      66. 灰喉鸦雀 Paradoxornis alphonsianusLCOHR***
      (二十九)绣眼鸟科 Zosteropidae
      67. 暗绿绣眼鸟 Zosterops japonicusLCOSS**
      68. 黑颏凤鹛 Yuhina nigrimentaLCOWR*
      69. 白领凤鹛 Yuhina diademataLCOHR*
      (三十)林鹛科 Timaliidae
      70. 斑胸钩嘴鹛 Erythrogenys gravivoxLCOWR*
      71. 棕颈钩嘴鹛 Pomatorhinus ruficollisLCOWR*
      72. 红头穗鹛Stachyridopsis ruficepsLCOSR**
      (三十一)幽鹛科 Pellorneidae
      73. 灰眶雀鹛 Alcippe morrisoniaLCOWR*
      (三十二)噪鹛科 Leiothrichidae
      74. 白颊噪鹛 Garrulax sannioLCOSR***
      75. 画眉 Garrulax canorusLC附录ⅡOSR*
      76. 红嘴相思鸟 Leiothrix luteaLC附录ⅡOWR*
      (三十三)椋鸟科 Sturnidae
      77. 八哥 Acridotheres cristatellusLCOWR*
      (三十四)鸫科 Turdidae
      78. 乌鸫 Turdus mandarinusLC+WOR**
      (三十五)鹟科 Muscicapidae
      79. 白额燕尾 Enicurus leschenaultiLCOWR*
      80. 黑喉石䳭 Saxicola maurusNRWOR**
      81. 灰背燕尾 Enicurus schistaceusLCOWR*
      82. 鹊鸲 Copsychus saularisLCOWR**
      83. 紫啸鸫 Myophonus caeruleusLCOWR*
      84. 北红尾鸲 Phoenicurus auroreusLCPMW**
      85. 红尾水鸲 Rhyacornis fuliginosaLCOWR*
      86. 白顶溪鸲 Chaimarrornis leucocephalusLCWHR*
      87. 红胁蓝尾鸲 Tarsiger cyanurusLCWMW*
      (三十六)梅花雀科 Estrildidae
      88. 白腰文鸟 Lonchura striataLCOWR**
      89. 斑文鸟 Lonchura punctulataLCOWR*
      (三十七)雀科 Passeridae
      90. 麻雀 Passer montanusLCWUR**
      91. 山麻雀 Passer cinnamomeusLCOSR**
      (三十八)鹡鴒科 Motacillidae
      92. 白鹡鸰 Motacilla albaLCWUR**
      93. 灰鹡鸰 Motacilla cinereaLCPOP*
      94. 树鹨 Anthus hodgsoniLCPMS*
      (三十九)燕雀科 Fringillidae
      95. 普通朱雀 Carpodacus erythrinusLCWUS*
      96. 金翅雀 Carduelis sinicaLCPMR**
      97. 燕雀 Fringilla montifringillaLCPUW**
      (四十)鹀科 Emberizidae
      98. 小鹀 Emberiza pusillaLCWUW*
        注: 保护级别:I. 国家I级重点保护鸟类, II. 国家II级重点保护鸟类, 川. 四川省重点保护鸟类; IUCN红色名录: EN. 濒危, VU. 易危, NT. 近危, LC. 无危; CITES附录: 分为附录I和附录II; T. 特有种; 区系: O. 东洋界, P. 古北界, W. 广布种; 居留型: R. 留鸟, S. 夏候鸟, W. 冬候鸟, P. 旅鸟; 分布型参考张荣祖(2011): C. 全北型, E. 季风型, H. 喜马拉雅—横断山区型, M. 东北型, P. 高地型, S. 南中国型, U. 古北型, W. 东洋型, X. 东北—华北型, O. 不易分类型; 数量等级: *. 少见种或偶见种, **. 常见种, ***. 优势种
      (从左至右依次为物种名、保护级别、IUCN红色名录、CITES附录、特有种、区系、分布型、居留型、数量等级)(Species, Protection category, IUCN Red List, CITES Appendix, endemic species, fauna, distribution pattern, resident type, magnitude level)
        Notes: Protection category: I. class I nationally key protected birds of China, II. class II nationally key protected birds of China, 川. key protected birds of Sichuan province; IUCN Red List: EN. Endangered, VU. Vulnerable, NT. Near Threatened, LC. Least Concern; CITES appendix: 附录I and附录II refer to the species listed on appendix I and II; T. endemic species; Fauna: O. Oriental, P. Palearctic, W. widespread; resident type: R. resident, W. winter visitor, S. summer visitor, P. passage migrant; distribution patterns refer to Zhang (2011). Number of levels: *. Rare or occasional species, **. common species, ***. dominant species
      (从左至右依次为物种名、保护级别、IUCN红色名录、CITES附录、特有种、区系、分布型、居留型、数量等级)(Species, Protection category, IUCN Red List, CITES Appendix, endemic species, fauna, distribution pattern, resident type, magnitude level)

      Table 1.  Appendix 1 List of birds in Qingyi Lake provincial wetland park in Ya’an city, Sichuan province

Reference (23)



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