Volume 43 Issue 5
Oct.  2022
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CHEN X M, LI X L, DING T, et al. Comparison of flowering period observation and pollen germination characteristics of three American Lagerstroemia indica varieties in the hilly area of central Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(5): 27−33 doi: 10.12172/202111190001
Citation: CHEN X M, LI X L, DING T, et al. Comparison of flowering period observation and pollen germination characteristics of three American Lagerstroemia indica varieties in the hilly area of central Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(5): 27−33 doi: 10.12172/202111190001

Comparison of Flowering Period Observation and Pollen Germination Characteristics of Three American Lagerstroemia indica Varieties in the Hilly Area of Central Sichuan Province

doi: 10.12172/202111190001
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  • Corresponding author: hz7210@126.com
  • Received Date: 2021-11-19
    Available Online: 2022-07-21
  • Publish Date: 2022-10-26
  • In this paper, the flowering period of three American Lagerstroemia indica varieties (Red Rocket, E. Ember, Delta Blush) introduced in the hilly area of central Sichuan was observed and their pollen germination ability was compared. The results showed that all three American Lagerstroemia indica species entered the flowering period at the end of July or the beginning of August, and the flowering period could be met. The flowering period was shorter than that in Hunan province, the original introduction place. All the pollen grains in the long/short capillament anthers of the three varieties could germinate normally, and the germination rate of pollen grains in long-capillament anthers was higher. Therefore, both types of anthers could be used as hybrids to provide pollens. All three varieties could be self-cross and outcross. When self-cross, pollen tubes and sperm cells could enter the ovary for 12 hours, while when outcross, it need 14 to 18 hours. The related research laid the foundation for the development of the next hybridization experiment.
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Comparison of Flowering Period Observation and Pollen Germination Characteristics of Three American Lagerstroemia indica Varieties in the Hilly Area of Central Sichuan Province

doi: 10.12172/202111190001
  • 1. Sichuan Academy of Forestry, Chengdu 610081, China
  • 2. Sichuan Key Laboratory of Ecological Restoration and Conservation for Forest and Wetland, Chengdu 610081, China
  • 3. Forestry Bureau of Yucheng District, Ya’an 625000, China
  • Corresponding author: hz7210@126.com

Abstract: In this paper, the flowering period of three American Lagerstroemia indica varieties (Red Rocket, E. Ember, Delta Blush) introduced in the hilly area of central Sichuan was observed and their pollen germination ability was compared. The results showed that all three American Lagerstroemia indica species entered the flowering period at the end of July or the beginning of August, and the flowering period could be met. The flowering period was shorter than that in Hunan province, the original introduction place. All the pollen grains in the long/short capillament anthers of the three varieties could germinate normally, and the germination rate of pollen grains in long-capillament anthers was higher. Therefore, both types of anthers could be used as hybrids to provide pollens. All three varieties could be self-cross and outcross. When self-cross, pollen tubes and sperm cells could enter the ovary for 12 hours, while when outcross, it need 14 to 18 hours. The related research laid the foundation for the development of the next hybridization experiment.

  • 紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica L.)为千屈菜科紫薇属灌木或小乔木,共有55种,自然分布于亚洲和大洋洲。目前我国紫薇属共有25个种[1],是紫薇属植物的世界分布中心和起源中心,是中国夏季重要的传统观赏花木,具有花期长、花色艳丽等优点,在我国有近1600年栽培史,美国亦有两百余年紫薇引种栽培史[2],并形成了近百个专利品种[3]。因此,在紫薇种质引种的基础上,开展物候特别是花期观察,以及花粉活性、花粉萌发和柱头互作等研究,是紫薇杂交创制新种质的前期必备研究[4]


    • 试验于2019年7月开始,供试紫薇位于乐至园区紫薇收集圃。收集圃海拔446 m,日均气温16.7℃,年均日照1 330 h,年均降水量900 mm,但分布不均,夏季雨量占全年降雨量的半数。属亚热带湿润季风气候[5]

    • 2016年分别采集Red Rocket、E. Ember、Delta Blush的嫩枝扦插建立紫薇收集圃,从每个品种各选取3株5年生无病虫害、生长状态良好的植株为试验材料。

    • (1)花期观察。以第一朵花开放为始花期,以开花量达到一半总花蕾数时为盛花期,以最后一朵花凋落为末花期。定株定朵观察授粉后花瓣、花萼、柱头、子房状态。

      (2)花粉采集。各品种进入盛花期后,于早上9:00—11:00选择盛开的花朵,用镊子将长短花药分别拨入培养皿内带回实验室,把花药转入由100目细胞筛、硫酸纸和5 cm厚干燥剂的组成的密封干燥盒中静置4 h,待花粉和花药完全干燥后,花粉掉落至硫酸纸上,可收集至离心管中备用。

      (3)花粉活力测定。用镊子从离心管中取少许干燥花粉,敲落在载玻片上,滴1滴0.5% TTC溶液,25℃暗培养10 min,在显微镜下观察花粉染色情况,每个品种的长、短花药随机选择3个视野,统计花粉数量、染色花粉数量,计算花粉活力[6];同时把花粉撒在萌发培养基上(150 g·L−1蔗糖+60 mg·L−1硼酸+20 mg·L−1 CaCl2[7],25℃暗培养2 h,每个品种的长、短花药随机选择3个视野,统计花粉数量、萌发花粉数量。

      (4)花粉在柱头上萌发比较。在参考顾翠花[8]、曾慧杰[6]的荧光染色法的基础上,增加DAPI复染,具体操作步骤为:分别给3个紫薇品种柱头进行授粉并套袋,每隔2 h取3个柱头,共取10次。柱头放入FAA固定液固定保存24 h,倒去FAA固定液,用1 M NaOH溶液清洗并软化8h,用50 mM偏磷酸钾溶液清洗3次后,用镊子夹出柱头,放置在载玻片上,用滤纸吸净溶液,滴1滴现配0.1%苯胺蓝染色液和1滴10 ug·mL−1 DAPI溶液,静置10 min后,轻轻放上盖玻片后,沿与柱头垂直方向轻压盖玻片,使柱头横向平铺。用奥林巴斯BX51显微镜(CCD:DP73)观察并拍照,记录各柱头上花药和花粉管的萌发和生长情况。

    2.   结果与分析
    • 花期是表征观赏植物最重要的性状之一,紫薇是炎炎夏日少见的开花乔木,素有“百日红”的美称。乐至园区引种紫薇定株观察发现(见表1),引种的3个品种紫薇均在7月底或8月上旬进入开花期,其中红火箭初花期最早,Delta Blush初花期比红火箭晚5 d,而E. Ember则在8月10日开始开花。

      Red Rocket
      E. EmberDelta Blush
      初花期 Initial flowering stage7月25日8月10日7月30日
      盛花期 Full flowering stage8月20日9月10日9月10日
      末花期 Decay stage10月3日10月1日10月1日
      花期长 Flowering period length70d52d63d

      Table 1.  Comparison of flowering period of three American Lagerstroemia indica varieties

      红火箭和E. Ember初花后1个月进入盛花期,即为最佳观花期,而Delta Blush初花期后40 d进入盛花期(见图1)。3个美国紫薇花期均在2个月左右,其中红火箭花期最长,可达70 d;Delta Blush花期次之,为63 d;E. Ember花期最短,为52 d。红火箭花色为中度红(RHS N45),E. Ember花色为浓红色(RHS 53B),Delta Blush红紫色(RHS 68A)。其中红火箭花色与王晓明等评价的红火箭花色一致。

      Figure 1.  Planting map of American Lagerstroemia indica and the closeup of flowers. A-C: Red Rocket, D-F: E. Ember, G-I: Delta Blush

      在授粉后,紫薇品种间表现迥异,红火箭授粉后2 d花丝收拢、弯曲蜷缩,3 d花瓣开始萎蔫花萼较为收拢,4 d花萼收拢至一半花瓣凋谢,5 d柱头弯曲萎蔫花瓣完全掉落,10 d后可见子房开始膨大,果实颜色由绿色变黄直至变黑。E. Ember叶紫色,授粉后2 d花丝收拢、弯曲蜷缩、花萼较为收拢,3 d花瓣萎蔫掉落花萼收拢,4 d花萼完全收拢,柱头弯曲萎蔫,12 d后可见子房开始膨大,果实颜色由绿色变绿色带暗红色条纹状。Delta Blush授粉后2 d花丝收拢、弯曲蜷缩,花瓣开始掉落,3 d花萼较为收拢,4 d花萼收拢花瓣完全凋谢,5 d柱头弯曲萎蔫,6 d后可见子房开始膨大,果实颜色由绿色变黄直至变黑。

    • 花粉活力研究发现,3个品种的美国紫薇花粉均具有较强活力(见图2),活力值介于76%~83%(见表2),方差分析结果表明品种间活力差异不显著。说明3个品种的紫薇花粉均为正常花粉粒,未出现2 n大花粉等异常花粉。来源于长花丝花药中的花粉粒平均活力均高于来源于短花丝花药中花粉粒,但差异不显著。两类花粉粒在颜色上稍有差异,短花丝花药上的花粉粒颜色偏黄,而长花丝花药上的花粉粒颜色偏绿。

      Figure 2.  Determination of pollen vitality and germination of American Lagerstroemia indica. A: Pollen of Red Rocket from short capillament anther, B: Pollen of E. Ember from short capillament anther, C: Pollen of Delta Blush from short capillament anther, D: Pollen of Red Rocket from long capillament anther, E: Pollen of E. Ember from long capillament anther, F: Pollen of Delta Blush from long capillament anther. Bar=20 um

      品种名称 Variety name花粉来源 Pollen source平均活力 Average vitality平均萌发率 Average germination rate
      红火箭 Red Rocket长花丝花药78.52%40.25%a
      红火箭 Red Rocket短花丝花药73.47%27.13%b
      E. Ember长花丝花药83.57%37.01%a
      E. Ember短花丝花药83.17%32.31%ab
      Delta Blush长花丝花药80.58%39.83%a
      Delta Blush短花丝花药76.99%39.61%a
      Note: Different lowercase letters indicate that the average pollen germination rate is significantly different at the level of 0.05.

      Table 2.  Comparison of pollen vitality of three American Lagerstroemia indica varieties

      干燥花粉萌发试验发现,3个品种的美国紫薇花粉均能正常萌发(见图2),萌发率为27.13%~40.25%,来源于长花丝花药中的花粉的萌发率均高于同一品种的短花丝花药中的花粉,其中,红火箭达到了差异显著水平,E. Ember和Delta Blush均未达到显著性水平。3个品种间的长花丝花药中的花粉平均萌发率相互之间无显著性差异,Delta Blush短花丝花药中的花粉平均萌发率显著高于红火箭,红火箭和E. Ember的短花丝花药中的花粉平均萌发率差异不显著(见表2)。

    • 细胞学观察发现,采用干燥花粉授粉后,3个美国紫薇上柱头上花粉的萌发过程基本一致,花粉和花粉管发育至各阶段的时间不同,3个美国紫薇均自交亲和,且自交花粉所需的萌发时间少于异交花粉,自交并完成授粉的时间均为12 h(见表3)。

      Stigma source
      Pollen source
      Beginning of
      Pollen tube reaches the
      middle of the stylus/h
      Pollen tube reaches
      Stigma pollen tube
      Red RocketRed Rocket261012
      E. Ember2101414
      Delta Blush4121820
      E. EmberRed Rocket2101414
      E. Ember281212
      Delta Blush6141618
      Delta BlushRed Rocket481214
      E. Ember6121618
      Delta Blush261012

      Table 3.  Time length of the observable landmark events after the pollination of Lagerstroemia indica

      红火箭和E. Ember正反交时,在花粉萌发时间和花粉管运动速度上基本一致,因此各个可观察到的标志性事件发生的时间是一致的。红火箭与Delta Blush正反交时,花粉萌发时间上一致,在花粉管运动速度上,Delta Blush花粉管比红火箭花粉管要快,到达花柱中部所需的时间比快4 h,到达子房的时间快6 h。

      E. Ember和Delta Blush正反交时,花粉萌发时间均较长,需要6 h,后续各个可观察到的标志性事件基本一致,最终柱头花粉管消失时间均为18 h。

      由此可知,3个美国紫薇品种均可进行自交和异交,并在24 h内完成双受精过程,柱头表面荧光信号弥散,表明花粉管程序性死亡(见图3B、G/H相比),柱头可授性消失,新授的花粉不会萌发。因此,这些品种杂交24 h后去掉套袋,并不会影响杂交效果,还能降低夏季高温季节杂交时的落果率。

      Figure 3.  Key stage of E. Ember pollen and pollen tube germination and growth on the Red Rocket stigma. A: Brightfield image of the stigma surface after 2h of pollination; B: Fluorescence image of the surface of the stigma after 2 h of pollination; C: Brightfield image of the stigma tableting after 10 h of pollination; D: Fluorescence image of the stigma tableting after 10 hours of pollination; E: Fluorescence of the lower part of the stigma tableting after 10 hours of pollination; F: Bright field image of stigma tableting after 14 h of pollination; G: fluorescence image of stigma tableting after 14h of pollination; H: Close-up of white dotted frame in picture F

      以E. Ember花粉粒在红火箭柱头上的萌发为例。授粉后,E. Ember花粉粒被柱头顶端的乳突细胞顶端捕获,或陷于乳突细胞之间(见图3A),2 h后,花粉粒开始萌发,部分乳突细胞与花粉相交处出现胼胝质,荧光信号显著强于乳突细胞原有荧光信号(见图3B曲线箭头),说明乳突细胞与花粉粒之间正进行识别信号互作,而完成了识别工作的花粉粒则萌发出花粉管并往柱头内部伸展(见图3B直线箭头)。

      授粉10 h后发现大量花粉管生长至花柱中央(见图3D图4A),图3D点状荧光为精细胞,花粉管在花柱内顺着维管束伸展,彼此呈平行线状(见图4),此时花柱末端未发现精细胞和花粉管(见图3E),表明此时花粉管尚未发展至此。

      Figure 4.  Moving track of E. Ember pollen tubes and sperm cells in the middle of Red Rocket stigma. A: Bright field image; B: Green excitation fluorescence image; C: Blue laser fluorescence image; D: Ultraviolet excitation fluorescence image

      授粉14 h时,柱头和花粉管荧光信号逐渐弥散(见图3G),柱头信号呈毛玻璃状(见图3H),表明此时柱头内花粉管解体,花粉管内精细胞已进入子房,完成双受精。

    3.   结论与讨论
    • 引种的3种美国紫薇花期和花粉萌发特性研究结果发现,3个品种紫薇均在7月底或8月上旬进入开花期,其中红火箭初花期最早,Delta Blush初花期比红火箭晚5 d,而E. Ember则在8月10日开始开花。

      3个美国紫薇花期均在2个月左右,其中红火箭花期为70 d,低于该品种在湖南4个月的花期[9, 10]。花期长短与生境息息相关,研究当年绵延的阴雨天是导致花期提前结束的主要原因,降雨和高湿天气,不仅易打落花瓣,还导致花苞消苞凋零,同时,试验地碱性土的环境也对花期有一定的影响。

      花期的可遇为杂交育种提供了可能,随后开展了3个美国紫薇的花粉活力和萌发试验,结果发现3个品种的花粉均具有较强活力,花粉萌发试验中蔗糖提供碳源和渗透压,多项研究表明蔗糖浓度在100 g·L−1~200 g·L−1为宜[11-15],本研究在预实验的基础上,采用了150 g·L−1的蔗糖浓度,取得了较好的萌发效果。来源于长/短花丝花药中的花粉粒均能正常萌发,来源于长花丝花药中的花粉萌发率高于短花丝花药中的花粉萌发率,其中红火箭的花粉萌发率达到了显著性水平;品种间短花丝花药中的花粉萌发率存在显著性差异,而品种间长花丝花药中的花粉平均萌发率相互之间无显著性差异。


      花粉柱头萌发表明,3个美国紫薇均可进行自交和异交,自交萌发和完成授粉时间均为12 h。与张秦英等研究结论一致[16]。异交组合花粉管达到子房在14~18 h,所需时间比自交长,原因是紫薇柱头对花粉粒的萌发具有选择性,只有能和紫薇柱头的生理生化作用相协调的花粉粒才能萌发[6],如紫薇和大花紫薇的杂交中,Dynamite花粉在大花紫薇的柱头上授粉后需要48 h才能进入胚珠[17]。“彩霞满天”花粉在“红红火火”柱头上萌发需要6 h,12 h后花粉管发育至花柱中部,24 h后,花粉管进入子房[18]。相关研究可为杂交取袋时间提供细胞学参考。


Reference (18)



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