


张萌, 高郯, 卢杰. 林下地被层水文过程、机制与功能研究进展[J]. 四川林业科技, 2022, 43(3): 108−114. DOI: 10.12172/202108180001
引用本文: 张萌, 高郯, 卢杰. 林下地被层水文过程、机制与功能研究进展[J]. 四川林业科技, 2022, 43(3): 108−114. DOI: 10.12172/202108180001
ZHANG M, GAO T, LU J. Research review on hydrological process, mechanism and function of understory ground cover[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(3): 108−114. DOI: 10.12172/202108180001
Citation: ZHANG M, GAO T, LU J. Research review on hydrological process, mechanism and function of understory ground cover[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(3): 108−114. DOI: 10.12172/202108180001


Research Review on Hydrological process, Mechanism and Function of Understory Ground Cover

  • 摘要: 森林水文过程的第二个作用层是林下地被物,它在森林水文循环过程中以及流域防洪减灾方面都发挥着极显著的作用。本研究在查找、阅读、总结、归纳前人研究成果的基础上,阐述森林地被层水文过程,分析生物因素、环境因素、气候因素在森林地被层中作用机制,概括其蓄水保土、净化水质功能。林下地被物的储量与其持水量是成正比,地被物的持水能力随着植被的恢复而增强。短期性的地被物持水能力结果并不能完全反映地被层的持水特征,并且森林地被层的水文过程机制还不清楚,因此今后需要从以下几个方面加强研究:(1)在长期监测的基础上,运用遥感、同位素等现代科学技术实现大尺度无破坏动态监测。(2)在此基础上,考虑将降雨量、降雨强度、降雨持续时间、风速、温度、湿度等多因子一起纳入影响因素的行列中,分析其对地被层的截留阻延功能的影响。(3)在研究地被层水文效益时,要将土壤层持水能力、孔隙结构和酶活性以及微生物种类、数量、活性等纳入研究体系中,系统性研究地被物与土壤理化性质间的关系。(4)加强对不同层次水质分析,明确地被层对元素的吸持特性,从而科学评估森林生态系统的健康状态。


    Abstract: The understory ground cover is treated as the second layer of forest hydrological process, which plays a very significant role in forest hydrological cycle and flood control and disaster reduction of river basins. On the basis of searching, reading, summarizing and summarizing the previous research results, this study clarified the hydrological process of forest floor, analyzed the action mechanism of biological factors, environmental factors and climate factors in the forest ground cover, and summarized its functions of water storage, soil conservation and water purification. The reserve of understory ground cover was directly proportional to its water holding capacity, and the water holding capacity of understory ground cover increased with the restoration of vegetation. The results of short-term water-holding capacity of ground cover results could not fully reflect the water-holding capacity characteristics of ground cover, and forest cover layer of hydrological process mechanism was still unclear. Therefore, it was necessary to strengthen the research from the following aspects in the future: (1) On the basis of long-term monitoring, modern science and technology such as remote sensing, isotope were used to realize large-scale nondestructive dynamic monitoring. (2) On this basis, multiple factors such as rainfall, rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, wind speed, temperature and humidity were considered to be included into the list of influencing factors to analyze their influence on the interception and delay function of the ground cover. (3) When studying the hydrological benefits of ground cover, water holding capacity, pore structure and enzyme activity of soil layer, as well as the species, quantity and activity of microorganisms should be included in the research system to systematically study the relationship between ground cover and soil physical and chemical properties. (4) Strengthen the analysis of water quality at different levels, and clarify the element absorption characteristics of the ground cover, so as to scientifically evaluate the health status of forest ecosystem


