The Ecological Environment Research of Qingyan Village in the Simian Mountain,Chongqing
摘要: 采用野外实地调查与室内分析相结合的方法,对青堰村生态环境(土壤、水、空气和生物多样性)进行了研究,并分析了良好的生态环境与生殖健康之间的联系。结果表明,青堰村的自然环境有利于生殖健康:(1)土壤中的硒含量较高,可能与双胞胎高出生率有一定的关系;(2)水体的各项指标均符合I类水质标准,优质的水源是生殖健康的重要保障;(3)空气中具有较高的氧气含量和负离子浓度,较低的PM2.5/PM10含量,同时含有近20种对人体有益的萜烯类物质,洁净且富有活力物质的空气保障着人们的身体健康和生殖健康;(4)森林资源丰富,具有较高的生物多样性,稳定、健康的生态系统促进人们的身心健康;(5)居民健康的生活方式也对生殖健康起着重要作用。Abstract: By using the methods of field investigation and soaking extraction,the main ecological factors (Including soil,water,air and biodiversity) of Qingyan Village were investigated in order to explore the interactions between good ecological environment and human reproductive health.The results have shown that the natural environment of Qingyan Village is beneficial to human reproductive health:(1) the high content of Se in soil may have a direct relation to the high birth rate of twins; (2) the high quality surface water is also an guarantee of reproductive health; (3) the fresh air with high oxygen content,high negative ion concentration,low proportion of PM2.5/PM10 and various terpene compound plays a positive role on human health and reproductive health; (4) a stable and healthy ecosystem can also promote the development of human body; (5) a healthy and comfortable life style of the local people may be another explain for this problem.