Volume 44 Issue 5
Oct.  2023
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ZHANG Y, , ZHENG S W, et al. Influence of neem pollen drifting on concentration of airborne particulate matter in forest[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 44(5): 102−106 doi: 10.12172/202211290001
Citation: ZHANG Y, , ZHENG S W, et al. Influence of neem pollen drifting on concentration of airborne particulate matter in forest[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 44(5): 102−106 doi: 10.12172/202211290001

Influence of Neem Pollen Drifting on Concentration of Airborne Particulate Matter in Forest

doi: 10.12172/202211290001
More Information
  • Corresponding author: 527984863@qq.com
  • Received Date: 2022-11-29
    Available Online: 2023-04-06
  • Publish Date: 2023-10-25
  • In order to solve the plant source pollution caused by airborne pollen in urban greening construction, the temporal and spatial variation of airborne allergenic pollen transmission and its influence on the concentration of airborne particulate matter in the forest were studied, which provided the basis for preventing and controlling urban airborne sensitized pollen pollution. A typical airborne allergenic pollen plant, Neem, which is frequently used in urban greening in Chengdu, was taken as the research object, and the daily variation and horizontal spatial spread of airborne allergenic pollen were studied by selecting the blooming period of Neem. The result showed that: (1) There was a single peak curve in the daily variation of the pollen concentration of neem, that is, the pollen concentration increased continuously from 6:00 to 14:00, and reached a peak at 14:00. From 14:00 to 20:00, it continued to decline. The concentration of pollen drifting from 12:00 to 15:00 was significantly higher than that of other periods. In the horizontal direction, the pollen concentration in the downwind direction was higher than that in the upwind direction. In the downwind direction, the pollen concentration showed a single peak curve, which increased with distance and reached a peak at 20 m. The drifting concentration of pollen in the upwind direction showed a bimodal curve, and the peaks appeared at 9 m and 20 m. Due to the influence of Neem pollen dispersal, the horizontal distribution trend of airborne particulate matter concentration in the C. camphor forest was roughly the same as that of pollen concentration, and it also showed that the downwind direction was higher than the upwind direction. At the horizontal distance, the influence of neem pollen on airborne particles was mainly in the range of 0-30 m.
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  • [1] 郭玉明,刘利群,陈建民,等. 大气可吸入颗粒物与心脑血管疾病急诊关系的病例交叉研究[J]. 中华流行病学杂志,2008,29(11):1064−1066.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Influence of Neem Pollen Drifting on Concentration of Airborne Particulate Matter in Forest

doi: 10.12172/202211290001
  • 1. Mianning Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Mianning 616500, China
  • 2. Xiaojin Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Xiaojin 624200, China
  • 3. Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Forest and Wetland Ecological Restoration and Conservation, Sichuan Academy of Forestry, Chengdu 610081, China
  • 4. Anyue Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Anyue 642350, China
  • Corresponding author: 527984863@qq.com

Abstract: In order to solve the plant source pollution caused by airborne pollen in urban greening construction, the temporal and spatial variation of airborne allergenic pollen transmission and its influence on the concentration of airborne particulate matter in the forest were studied, which provided the basis for preventing and controlling urban airborne sensitized pollen pollution. A typical airborne allergenic pollen plant, Neem, which is frequently used in urban greening in Chengdu, was taken as the research object, and the daily variation and horizontal spatial spread of airborne allergenic pollen were studied by selecting the blooming period of Neem. The result showed that: (1) There was a single peak curve in the daily variation of the pollen concentration of neem, that is, the pollen concentration increased continuously from 6:00 to 14:00, and reached a peak at 14:00. From 14:00 to 20:00, it continued to decline. The concentration of pollen drifting from 12:00 to 15:00 was significantly higher than that of other periods. In the horizontal direction, the pollen concentration in the downwind direction was higher than that in the upwind direction. In the downwind direction, the pollen concentration showed a single peak curve, which increased with distance and reached a peak at 20 m. The drifting concentration of pollen in the upwind direction showed a bimodal curve, and the peaks appeared at 9 m and 20 m. Due to the influence of Neem pollen dispersal, the horizontal distribution trend of airborne particulate matter concentration in the C. camphor forest was roughly the same as that of pollen concentration, and it also showed that the downwind direction was higher than the upwind direction. At the horizontal distance, the influence of neem pollen on airborne particles was mainly in the range of 0-30 m.

  • 随着城市建设植物种类越来越复杂,城市绿化植物除了会带来美丽的外形、艳丽的色彩、芬芳的香味等正面效应外,也可能导致飞絮污染、花粉污染等植源性污染相关的负面效应。尤其近年来因部分气传花粉植物花粉具有致敏性,能使人发生过敏性反应,产生包括鼻塞、打喷嚏、流涕、喉咙发痒、眼皮肿胀,甚至出现全身皮肤奇痒、起疹块和鳞屑、脱皮等症状[3-5]。有研究报道空气中的花粉浓度达到20粒m−3时便可以诱发敏感人群发生过敏反应[6]。同时,花粉也是空气颗粒物的重要组成部分,对人们的生活也会造成负面影响。目前,空气颗粒物已成为首要的空气污染物,是危害世界环境和公共健康的主要影响因素之一,备受世界各国政府和公众广泛关注。研究表明直径在 2.5~10 um 空气颗粒物则可直接进入下呼吸道的支气管;直径小于2.5 um空气颗粒物可到达肺泡,并长期黏附在肺泡上;直径小于1.0 um 的空气颗粒物透过肺泡进入到血液,进一步到人体的其他器官和组织中[1];长期暴露在空气颗粒物污染环境下会引起人体呼吸系统、心血管系统、神经系统及免疫系统等疾病[2]


    • 研究区位于成都市塔子山公园内。成都属亚热带湿润气候区,境内气候温和,四季分明,热量丰富,雨水充足,年均降雨量900 mm左右;但降雨季节分布不均,大多集中在5—9月;全市多年平均气温为15.9℃,以7月温度最高,月平均气温24.8℃,1月温度最低,月平均气温5.7℃;年均日照时数1216.6 h,多年无霜期达289 d。塔子山公园占地面积410亩,前身系专为城市园林绿化提供苗木的生产基地—塔子山苗圃;初建于1956年,1984年底进行改建公园建设,于1987年春节向游人开放。公园内植被丰富,有雪松、银杏、香樟、紫薇、水杉、桃树、桂花、玉兰、苦楝等林木共80余种4万余株。园内辟有蜡梅园、海棠园、紫薇园、竹林、钓鱼池、泉石山林、银杏阁、玉茗轩等景区,还新建有巴蜀古迹微缩苑,以及成都市的标志性景观——九天楼。

    2.   研究方法
    • 苦楝(Melia azedarach),楝科楝属,落叶乔木,落叶乔木,树形优美,枝条秀丽,在春夏之交开淡紫色花,香味浓郁,耐烟尘,抗二氧化硫能力强,并能杀菌;适宜作庭荫树和行道树,是良好的城市及矿区绿化树种;与其他树种混栽,能起到对树木虫害的防治作用;在草坪中孤植、丛植或配置于建筑物旁都很合适,也可种植于水边、山坡、墙角等处。苦楝是成都市常见绿化树种之一,且花粉量大,易于收集。

      选择塔子山公园香樟林内孤植的苦楝为主要监测树种。香樟林郁闭度0.4,平均树高10 m;林下覆盖鸢尾、麦冬等地被物,地被物盖度95%,平均高15 cm;苦楝,平均树高12 m,平均冠幅7.5 m,花期4上旬—5月中旬,花粉粒呈类圆球形,花粉粒大小为36 μm X~39.5 μm,萌发孔为沟状有3~4条孔沟沿极轴方向分布。

    • 根据苦楝的花期,在苦楝盛花期(2021年4月13日、15日、16日和20日),于成都市塔子山公园对香樟林内的苦楝花粉昼间和林内空间飘散规律进行观测。监测天气晴,林内风速0—1.8 m·s−1,温度17.8—20.9℃。研究中花粉的采集采用JWL-IIC型撞击式多功能空气微生物监测仪在1.5 m高度处的不同时间和与目标树种的迎风、背风和垂直风向4个方向上不同距离下自动化采集。对载玻片上收集的花粉进行镜检分类,通过花粉大小、孔、沟数目的多少、结构和排列状况以及花粉外壁纹理特征等,参照《中国气传花粉和植物彩色图谱》[7]和《中国植物花粉形态》[8],找出目标植物的花粉,计数。

    • 在采集苦楝花粉的同时,采用手持式空气颗粒物检测仪met-one,于1.5 m高度处,以目标树种-苦楝有花树冠投影范围为中心(0 m)、E(垂直风向1)、W(垂直风向2)、S(逆风)、N(迎风)4个方向上,以3 m为间隔,向外,等距离开展PM1、PM2.5、PM4、PM10、TSP等5种径级的空气颗粒物浓度监测。

    • 花粉浓度计算采用Davis法计算花粉浓度[9]


    3.   研究结果
    • 香樟林内的苦楝花粉昼间飘散规律,结果表明(图1):苦楝的花粉昼变化呈单峰倒“V”型曲线,峰值在14:00点出现。根据苦楝花粉飘散浓度的方差分析和 LSD检验结果显示不同时段苦楝的花粉飘散浓度差异显著,但主要表现为12:00—15:00的花粉飘散浓度显著性高于其余时段。

      Figure 1.  Diurnal variation of neem pollen in forest


    • 苦楝花粉在香樟林内的空间飘散规律结果显示(图2):顺风方向花粉空间飘散呈单峰曲线,其峰值出现在21 m;逆风和垂直风向的花粉飘散浓度则呈双峰曲线,其峰值空间的分别出现在9 m和21 m;在27 m开始显著降低,33 m花粉开始较难收集。

      Figure 2.  Spatial dispersal of neem pollen in forest

      从苦楝花粉的空间飘散规律可以看出:风向对空气中花粉浓度有明显影响。顺风方向花粉浓度高于逆风方向,顺风方向花粉浓度随着距离的增加而增加,在21 m处达到峰值,之后随着距离的增加花粉浓度逐渐减小。逆风方向花粉的飘散浓度呈双峰曲线,峰值出现在9 m和21 m。

    • 根据苦楝飘散的昼间变化趋势,选择花粉浓度最高的时段,即12:00—15:00之间林内空气颗粒浓度观测时段。图3是花粉飘散下不同风向和水平距离上香樟林内的空气颗粒物浓度变化特征图,可以看出:受苦楝花粉飘散的影响,香樟林内PM1、PM2.5、PM4、PM10、TSP等5种径级的空气颗粒物浓度大小表现趋势与花粉分布趋势大致相同,均表现为顺风方向空气颗粒物含量最高,垂直风向次之,逆风方向含量最低;但不同径级的空气颗粒物浓度在距离苦楝花粉源0—40 m范围内的变化趋势有差异。PM1在四个方向上均出现两个峰值,其中顺风方向和其中一个垂直风向上的两个峰值分别是3 m和21 m;在逆风和另一个垂直风向上,峰值则出现在9 m和21 m;在空间范围上,花粉对PM1的影响在从21 m开始减弱,但逆风方向则在27 m以上,苦楝花粉对其的影响降低到最小,但顺风方向在33 m以上影响才能达到最低水平。PM2.5也在4个方向上均出现2个峰值,其中顺风方向出现在3 m和21 m;其它方向上,则出现在9 m和21 m;而花粉对空气颗粒物的影响,顺风方向则在0—33 m范围;逆风方向则0—30 m范围。PM4、PM10和TSP的含量大小则表现为顺风方向为一个峰值,并出现在21 m;逆风和垂直风向上有两个峰值,并均出现在9 m和21 m;花粉对PM4、PM10和TSP浓度的影响也主要表现在0—30 m范围。

      Figure 3.  Variation characteristics of particulate matter concentration in camphora forest at different wind directions and horizontal distances

    4.   结论与讨论
    • 苦楝花粉飘散的浓度时间变化上,花粉浓度的日变化呈单峰曲线,即花粉浓度从6:00—14:00持续上升,并在14:00达到峰值;14:00—20:00则持续下降,但到20:00花粉浓度依然高于早上6:00;12:00—15:00的花粉飘散浓度显著性高于其余时段。从苦楝花粉飘散的日变化浓度变化趋势看,其变化趋势与研究区地面温度变化基本一致:6:00—14:00日晒后地面温度持续上升并在14:00在达到一天中的最高峰值,14:00—20:00地面温度持续下降。苦楝花粉浓度的昼间变化表明花粉的飘散温度相关[11],因为早晨温度较低,大多类花还没有绽放,而晚上气温较低,且没有阳光,大多数花处于闭合状态[12],受这种开花时间的限制,花粉颗粒物在早晚的浓度较低,中午浓度较高。杨颖[10]在对北京的玉兰、白皮松、油松、臭椿4个树种的花粉飘散日变化研究中也表明,在软质地面,林木花粉浓度的日变化成单峰曲线,并在14:00达到最大值,与本研究结果一致。

      苦楝花粉浓度的水平方向上,顺风方向花粉浓度高于逆风方向;顺风方向花粉浓度随着距离的增加而增加,并在21 m处达到峰值,之后随着距离的增加花粉浓度逐渐减小;逆风方向花粉的飘散浓度呈双峰曲线,峰值出现在9 m和21 m。杨颖研究的北京城区树木花粉在水平距离上的飘散规律也表现为顺风方向花粉浓度高于逆风方向,顺风方向花粉的飘散浓度呈单峰曲线,逆风方向花粉的飘散浓度呈双峰曲线;但花粉最高浓度的距离上有差异,这可能与两个研究区的环境条件有关。在本研究中,目标树种苦楝分布于香樟林内,花粉的水平传播受林内风向风力因素的影响较大。

      在水平空间上,苦楝花粉飘散对PM1、PM2.5、PM4、PM10和TSP等5种径级的空气颗粒物浓度均有影响,但影响范围在林内主要表现在花粉源周边0—30 m范围以内。同时,受苦楝花粉飘散的影响,香樟林内空气颗粒物浓度在水平空间上的含量分布趋势与花粉浓度变化趋势大致相同,总体均表现为顺风方向高于逆风方向;在顺风方向,仅PM1和PM2.5出现两个峰值,分别为3 m和21 m,而PM4、PM10和TSP则仅在21 m出现一个峰值;在逆风方向和垂直风向上,PM1、PM2.5、PM4、PM10和TSP等5个径级的空气颗粒物均出现两个峰值,即为9 m 和21 m。

      根据花粉飘散的日浓度变化特征,建议花粉症患者在时间上要考虑12:00—15:00致敏花粉的威胁,在这段时间出行应做好防护措施。根据花粉在水平距离上飘散特征及其对空气颗粒物的叠加效应,在花粉飘散期间,针对花粉的过敏性源警示牌,应设置在花粉源33 m以外的位置。另外,根据花粉浓度在水平空间上表现除了的顺风方向高于逆风方向的特征,在绿化植物配置方面应该尽量把致敏植物置于下风口方向,并且在花粉传播的有效范围内间植其他的植物。

Reference (12)



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