Volume 42 Issue 3
Jun.  2021
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Zhou Y J, Zhang H, Wang M, et al. A rare nesting behavior of mud wasp species[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 42(3): 107−110 doi: 10.12172/202010270003
Citation: Zhou Y J, Zhang H, Wang M, et al. A rare nesting behavior of mud wasp species[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 42(3): 107−110 doi: 10.12172/202010270003

A Rare Nesting Behavior of Mud Wasp Species

doi: 10.12172/202010270003
More Information
  • Received Date: 2020-10-27
    Available Online: 2021-03-19
  • Publish Date: 2021-06-25
  • During the forestry pest investigation in Luzhou city, Sichuan province, a rare nesting behavior of mud wasp (Apodynerys formosenes) was firstly discovered, which overturned the previous record and cognition of nest-building behavior of mud wasps. In this nesting behavior, the material used for the nest building was not the common soil, but the resin was secreted from the wounded pines. A single resin nest was cylindrical in shape, with an inner diameter of 10 mm, an outer diameter of 16 mm and a length of about 15 mm. It was formed with many little resin balls processed by mud wasp, and the diameter of the resin balls is 0.5-1 mm. The nest was delicate in appearance, ingenious in structure, milky white and semitransparent. Moreover, there was a mud wasp which was about to mature in the resin nest, which showed that the function of the resin nest was completely consistent with that of the common mud wasps. The newly discovery resin nesting behavior of the mud wasps, fully reflected the survival wisdom of Apodynerys formosenes and the ingenious utilization of environmental resources, and greatly enriched the cognition of the living habits of this type of insects.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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A Rare Nesting Behavior of Mud Wasp Species

doi: 10.12172/202010270003
  • 1. Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
  • 2. Sichuan Green Alliance Forestry Co. Ltd, Chengdu 610000, China

Abstract: During the forestry pest investigation in Luzhou city, Sichuan province, a rare nesting behavior of mud wasp (Apodynerys formosenes) was firstly discovered, which overturned the previous record and cognition of nest-building behavior of mud wasps. In this nesting behavior, the material used for the nest building was not the common soil, but the resin was secreted from the wounded pines. A single resin nest was cylindrical in shape, with an inner diameter of 10 mm, an outer diameter of 16 mm and a length of about 15 mm. It was formed with many little resin balls processed by mud wasp, and the diameter of the resin balls is 0.5-1 mm. The nest was delicate in appearance, ingenious in structure, milky white and semitransparent. Moreover, there was a mud wasp which was about to mature in the resin nest, which showed that the function of the resin nest was completely consistent with that of the common mud wasps. The newly discovery resin nesting behavior of the mud wasps, fully reflected the survival wisdom of Apodynerys formosenes and the ingenious utilization of environmental resources, and greatly enriched the cognition of the living habits of this type of insects.

  • 在泸州市大通山进行野外调查过程中,发现了一种十分罕见的泥蜂筑巢现象。一种泥蜂科昆虫:末微蜾蠃(Apodynerys formosenes),不是利用常见的泥土筑巢,而是利用接近凝固状态的松脂制作巢穴,并能完成后代的抚育任务。在以往关于泥蜂的行为记录中尚未有过类似记载。特此报道,以供参考。

1.   泥蜂生活习性简介
  • 从分类地位上来讲,泥蜂是指泥蜂总科,分类地位属于膜翅目细腰亚目寄生部泥蜂总科;蜾蠃是指蜾蠃亚科,分类地位属于膜翅目细腰亚目寄生部蜾蠃亚科;就生活习性而言,两者都属于独栖性蜂类,社会性不强,平时营自由生活,雌性交配后会寻找天然的空穴作为巢穴产卵,比如空洞的树枝,树皮下的裂缝等,若有现成的空穴可供利用,它们会选择空穴而不是自己筑巢。


2.   本次新发现的罕见筑巢行为
  • 目前已知,泥蜂科昆虫能利用泥土制作蜂巢,以及捕捉其他昆虫作为其幼蜂食物[3-11]。国内外已有关于各种泥蜂的生物学行为的观察和报道[12-16],多种泥蜂能利用其他隐蔽空间做育幼巢,例如,可在竹干上钻孔,将巢穴做在竹管内;亦或在泥土,泥墙,木质房梁等处筑巢。调查过程中,也观察到蜾蠃筑巢于枯萎的树干里,这对于保证幼蜂的安全有十分积极的作用。但现有关于泥蜂的报道,无论其在哪里筑巢,都是采用泥土作为材料,泥蜂利用松脂筑巢确系首次发现。

    此次在松树上新发现的泥蜂蜂巢完全没有泥土,全系松脂筑造而成。其构造十分精致,整体呈乳白色半透明状,远看闪闪发亮,有着白铜色的光泽,近看有许多小圆球状的松脂粘结而成,整齐而有规律。松脂球直径约0.5~1 mm。蜂巢外形呈圆筒形,内径10 mm,外径16 mm,长度约15 mm。初始发现时,只见两个白色晶亮的圆柱状物体附着在松树树的皮缝中,尚不知就是蜂巢,经近距离仔细观察后方才确认。整个巢穴是由多个白色松脂球粘结而成的平行空心圆柱。由于其附着位置就在松脂流出的地方,用手触摸蜂巢还具有弹性,经仔细嗅闻和辨认,确系由松脂构成。由于其造型具有明显的几何特征,并且是若干个完全相同蜂巢并列而成(见图1),所以必定是经过后期加工而成,绝非天然形成后被末微蜾蠃所利用。

    Figure 1.  Rare honeycomb made with pine resins


    Figure 2.  Matured Apodynerys formosenes ready to leave the nest


    Figure 3.  Apodynerys formosenes nest with soils

3.   新发现的意义
  • 此次新发现的泥蜂利用松脂筑巢的行为,充分体现了泥蜂的高超生存技能,以及对环境资源的巧妙利用,大致总结如下:




4.   结论
  • 反复推敲此末微蜾蠃利用松脂筑巢的一系列条件:1. 松树表面受伤,大量松脂的溢出;2. 松脂流出后未被采集,逐渐浓缩并固化到一定程度;3. 并且附近有正处于产卵期的蜾赢存在。


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