


刘琴玲, 罗晓波, 周斌, 等. 雷波西宁古茶树试制红茶感官审评及生化成分分析[J]. 四川林业科技, 2022, 43(5): 102−106. DOI: 10.12172/202112010003
引用本文: 刘琴玲, 罗晓波, 周斌, 等. 雷波西宁古茶树试制红茶感官审评及生化成分分析[J]. 四川林业科技, 2022, 43(5): 102−106. DOI: 10.12172/202112010003
LIU Q L, LUO X B, ZHOU B, et al. Sensory quality evaluation and biochemical composition analysis of black tea made from Xi’ning ancient tea trees in Leibo county[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(5): 102−106. DOI: 10.12172/202112010003
Citation: LIU Q L, LUO X B, ZHOU B, et al. Sensory quality evaluation and biochemical composition analysis of black tea made from Xi’ning ancient tea trees in Leibo county[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2022, 43(5): 102−106. DOI: 10.12172/202112010003


Sensory Quality Evaluation and Biochemical Composition Analysis of Black Tea Made from Xi’ning Ancient Tea Trees in Leibo County

  • 摘要: 为挖掘雷波西宁野生古茶树的应用潜力、推动种质资源的开发利用,对其春季鲜叶所制红茶样品(简称雷波西宁古树红茶样)进行了感官审评和生化成分测定,并和其他红茶样品进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)雷波西宁古树红茶样外形重实紧结,汤色橙红明亮,香气为甜香带焦糖香、持久高长,滋味甜醇鲜,叶底红亮柔软,感官审评得分为90.4,略高于使用无性系良种‘福鼎大白茶’春梢所制红茶样(90.3,简称福鼎红茶样)和市场上采购的某野生茶树所制红茶样(85.5,简称市售野生红茶样);(2)雷波西宁古树红茶样的儿茶素总量为11.5 mg·g−1,比市售野生红茶样和福鼎红茶样分别高出40.2%和30.7%;其咖啡因含量为48.7 mg·g−1,游离氨基酸总量为19.89 mg·g−1,均略高于另两种红茶;红茶主要茶色素(茶黄素、茶红素、茶褐素)为131.90 mg·g−1,高于福鼎红茶样,低于市售野生红茶样。综上,雷波西宁古茶树群体采制红茶样品质较优,具有开发利用价值,其品质形成可能与野生古茶树群体生物学特性和雷波气候相关,建议加强该资源保护和利用。


    Abstract: In order to explore the tea production potential of wild ancient tea trees in Xi’ning town, Leibo county and promote the development and utilization of germplasm resources, the sensory quality evaluation and biochemical composition determination of black tea samples made from the wild ancient tea trees in Xi’ning (referred to as XNBT for short) were carried out, and compared with other black tea samples. The results showed that: (1) XNBT was heavy and firm in appearance, orange-red and bright in soup color, long-lasting sweet with caramel in aroma, sweet, mellow and fresh in taste, and red and soft in phyllotaxis. The sensory evaluation score of XNBT was 90.4, which was slightly higher than that of the black tea made from the spring tips of the clonal tea variety ‘Fuding Dabai’ (90.3, referred to as FDBT) and a commercially available wild-plant black tea in the market (85.5, referred to as CWBT). (2) The total catechin content of XNBT was 11.5 mg·g−1, which was 40.2% and 30.7% higher than that of CWBT and FDBT, respectively. The caffeine content (48.7 mg·g−1) and total free amino acid content (19.89 mg·g−1) of XNBT were slightly higher than those of the other two black teas. The main tea pigments (thearubigen, theaflavin and theafucin) of XNBT black tea were 131.90 mg·g−1, which was higher than that of FDBT but lower than that of CWBT. In summary, the quality of XNBT was superior and it was valuable for development and utilization. Its quality formation may be related to the biological characteristics of wild tea population and the climate of Leibo. It is recommended to strengthen the protection and utilization of this resource.


