


温平, 彭科, 陈旭, 等. 基于MaxEnt模型的白水河国家级保护区有蹄类保护动物生境适宜性评价[J]. 四川林业科技, 2021, 42(1): 70−75. DOI: 10.12172/202007210001
引用本文: 温平, 彭科, 陈旭, 等. 基于MaxEnt模型的白水河国家级保护区有蹄类保护动物生境适宜性评价[J]. 四川林业科技, 2021, 42(1): 70−75. DOI: 10.12172/202007210001
Wen P, Peng K, Chen X, et al. Habitat suitability evaluation of four ungulate species in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve based on MaxEnt model[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 42(1): 70−75. DOI: 10.12172/202007210001
Citation: Wen P, Peng K, Chen X, et al. Habitat suitability evaluation of four ungulate species in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve based on MaxEnt model[J]. Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology, 2021, 42(1): 70−75. DOI: 10.12172/202007210001


Habitat Suitability Evaluation of Four Ungulate Species in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve Based on MaxEnt Model

  • 摘要: 通过MaxEnt模型对白水河国家级自然保护区4种有蹄类保护物种进行生境适宜性评价,研究结果如下:(1)20次重复后斑羚、鬣羚、林麝、羚牛的训练集AUC值分别为0.962、0.947、0.924和0.945;(2)斑羚、鬣羚、林麝、羚牛得适宜栖息地分别占保护区总面积的14%、27%、25%、24%,次适宜栖息地占保护区总面积的27%、19%、35%、34%,不适宜栖息地占保护区总面积59%、54%、40%、42%;(3)对斑羚贡献最大的3个环境因子是坡向、坡度和落叶灌丛,对鬣羚贡献最大的3个环境因子是竹林、栽培竹林和落叶灌丛,对林麝贡献最大的3个环境因子是坡向、落叶灌丛和竹林,对羚牛贡献最大的3个环境因子是坡向、竹林以及落叶阔叶林。


    Abstract: MaxEnt model was used to evaluate habitat suitability of four ungulate protected species in Baishuihe National Nature Reserve. The results were as follows: (1) After 20 repetitions, the AUC values of training sets of Impala, Iguana, forest musk deer and Antelope were 0.962, 0.947, 0.924 and 0.945, respectively; (2) The suitable habitats for Impala, Iguana, forest musk deer and Antelope accounted for 14%, 27%, 25% and 24% of the total area of the reserve respectively, while the sub-suitable habitats account for 27%, 19%, 35% and 34% of the total area of the reserve, and the unsuitable habitats accounted for 59%, 54%, 40% and 42% of the total area of the reserve respectively. (3) The three largest environmental factors that contributed the most to Impala were slope aspect, slope and deciduous thickets. To Iguana, the three factors were bamboo forest, cultivated bamboo forest, and deciduous thickets. To forest musk deer, the three factors were slope, deciduous shrub and bamboo forest. And to Antelope, the three factors were slope aspect, bamboo forest and deciduous broad-leaved forest.


